Family friendly policies

User icon Susel Arredondo
30 May 2024
30 items

World Bank Group · 25 July 2023 English

This brief presents new data collected by the World Bank’s Women, Business and the Law project on childcare legislation in 95 economies around the world. It focuses on government measures …

CSJ: Centre for Social Justice · 18 September 2019 English

The new Government Office for Family Policy would be led by a Minister with a place in Cabinet to ensure they are able to affect cross-governmental delivery, this responsibility would …

CARDUS: Centre for Cultural Renewal · 31 January 2023 English

Executive Summary Canada’s fertility rate has fallen persistently for the last 15 years with no clear bottom in sight. To some commentators, this is a harbinger of troubles ahead, as …

EU: European Union · 28 April 2016 English

The Peer Review held in Prague in November 2015 discussed Czech family policy at a time of change, and more specifically the future shape of the country’s early childhood education …

Niskanen Center · 22 March 2024 English

The provisions increasing the generosity of the credit and eliminating the earnings requirement were the most important drivers of this reduction.2 The main lesson is that future proposals should continue …

EU: European Union · 27 January 2020 English

Demographic change, social progress and economic cycles have impacted household composition in Europe. This report provides an overview of household types in the European Union, how they have changed over …

CESifo Network · 9 October 2023 English

Causal Analysis of Policy Effects on Fertility

EPRS: European Parliamentary Research Service · 8 January 2007 English

The main aim of this study is to provide an overview of childcare policies for children aged 0 to 6 years in the 25 member states and a deeper understanding …

Civitas: Institute for the Study of Civil Society · 22 February 2006 English

This all endowed the expansion of the state and its educative pretensions with a natural legitimacy, and furthered the introduction of collectivist perspectives which demanded strong institutional uniformity and subordinated …