Household Debt

User icon Margaret Gair
14 June 2024
14 items

IPPR: Institute for Public Policy Research · 17 November 2020 English

Our primary purpose is to conduct and promote research into, and the education of the public in, the economic, social and political sciences, science and technology, the voluntary sector and …

The Poverty Alliance · 15 November 2022 English

children are fed; shopping around for Experiences of support and services during the cost-of-living crisis ✚ For many women in this research, the role of support they were entitled to …

Benefit Changes and Larger Families Project · 17 July 2023 English

This report captures the findings of a three-year research project, the first to comprehensively assess how the benefit cap and the two-child limit affects families with three or more children. …

JRF: Joseph Rowntree Foundation · 26 February 2020 English

This was more than offset by the combination of a £12 a week fall in the real value of benefits and a rise of £21 a week in the real …

WCPP: Wales Centre for Public Policy · 27 February 2019 English

contracted partners in Wales better Responding to citizens in debt to public respond to vulnerable debtors, especially services those subject to prosecution and prison?’ The report focuses on council tax …

JRF: Joseph Rowntree Foundation · 5 April 2023 English

In particular, the Scottish Government’s decisions to continue to invest in social housing and end the right to buy has meant that the social rented sector remains a bigger proportion …

WCPP: Wales Centre for Public Policy · 8 September 2022 English

They concluded that the Welsh Government’s actions, in particular the investment in energy efficiency, seemed to have helped to reduce the levels of estimated fuel poverty but more needed to …

The Trussell Trust · 11 October 2023 English

The research sought to understand the reasons for the overrepresentation of disabled people accessing food banks and the underclaiming of disability benefits among people in disabled households. [...] Scottish Centre …