International Pollutants Elimination Network


International Pollutants Elimination Network

IPEN is a global network forging a healthier world where people and the environment are no longer harmed by the production, use, and disposal of toxic chemicals. Over 600 public interest NGOs in more than 124 countries, largely low- and middle-income nations, comprise IPEN and work to strengthen global and national chemicals and waste policies, contribute to ground-breaking research, and build a global movement for a toxics-free future. The network helped shape the first treaty to ban the world’s most dangerous chemicals – the Stockholm Convention – and remains influential in the implementation of this treaty as well as other treaties governing chemicals and waste, the Rotterdam and Basel Conventions, and the Minamata Mercury Treaty. IPEN identifies and advocates for adding new chemicals for elimination, brings new scientific information about harmful chemicals to treaty discussions, and builds the capacity of NGOs and governments to press for treaty provisions relevant to their national situations. IPEN raises the profile of sound chemicals management as an economic development strategy around the world, wins increased funding for chemical safety projects at the country level; exposes dangerous chemicals in products, and raises the profile of toxics issues previously not on the agenda for global attention, such as nanomaterials, endocrine disrupting chemicals, lead in paint, and toxic chemicals used in the lifecycle of electronic products. IPEN’s Global Lead Paint Elimination Campaign is working to eliminate the widespread production and use of lead paint in developing and transition countries. IPEN serves a global information source for a wide variety of audiences: NGOs, grassroots organizers, scientists, health officials, and governments, among others. Its international trainings and capacity-building work, publications, and media outreach have made it a “go to” source for emerging information on toxic chemicals and wastes.
sustainable development environment pollution agroecology toxic chemicals toxic-free electronics harmful chemicals

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