UK Governance Project

UK Governance Project

The purpose of the project is to make practical recommendations to improve governance within the UK’s central institutions of Government, thereby improving the quality of Government and underpinning democracy. The project is neutral as regards political parties and its output will be available to all three main UK parties on an equal basis for rapid implementation by a Government formed by any of them after the next General Election. The project is led by a Commission whose members are: The Right Honourable Dominic Grieve KC (chair); The Right Honourable Dame Margaret Hodge DBE MP; Professor David Howarth; Sir Jonathan Jones KCB KC(Hon); Helen MacNamara CB; Professor Anand Menon; The Right Honourable The Lord Neuberger of Abbotsbury; and The Right Honourable Baroness Prashar CBE. The Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust and the Cobalt Trust have supported this work in recognition of the importance of the issues. The facts presented and the views expressed in the Commission’s Report are, however, those of the Commissioners and not necessarily those of the Reform Trust ( or the Cobalt Trust.
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