
Abolitionism, or the abolitionist movement, is the movement to end slavery and liberate enslaved people around the world.



CARFMS: Canadian Association for Refugee and Forced Migration Studies · 19 April 2024 English

1 This paper captures some of my experiences of homophobia and racism in academia and spaces of advocacy, and the positionalities of being a mental health survivor, to service provider, …

Walcott (2021) explained that the spirit of abolitionism founded by Rastafarians in Barbados who fought

The Williams Institute · 19 March 2024 English


............................. 152 B. Prison Abolitionism ........................................... Turn in AnTiDisCriminATion lAw 157 B. Prison Abolitionism A separate approach to discriminalization that finds support in human rights advocacy is prison abolitionism, which draws critical attention to the abuses human rights values. I use the framework of abolitionism deliberately to consider the widest range of alternatives to these restrictions. While the abolitionism I discuss here is broad enough to include some

IPA: Institute of Public Affairs · 6 March 2024 English

ISBN 978-0-6453133-1-4 The Australian Civilisation How Australia Was Made PREFACE The Institute of Public Affairs was founded in 1943 with the ambition to achieve two objectives: to further the freedom …

............... 32 6.1 The Seeds of British Abolitionism ........................................... to crystallise British support for American abolitionism. of England minister his father was also a master Advance of Liberty 33 6.1 The Seeds of British Abolitionism Part of the explanation is found in the peculiar

CCPA: Canadian Centre For Policy Alternatives · 5 March 2024 English

to the amount of cops on the street, were drawn from the city’s rapidly City dwellers’ relationship to the to the cost of rent, policy makes and growing unhoused population. …

impacts on Saagiig nationhood, I’m not talking Abolitionism is historically Indigenous Peoples and their

NWHN: National Women's Health Network · 2024 English

working to end all forms of criminalization and abolitionism work. So one of the main policy works that

CFPC: College of Family Physicians of Canada · 2024 English

decolonizing practice (Shawn Wilson, UBC), and somatic abolitionism (Resmaa Menakem). It is also informed by the

NBER: National Bureau of Economic Research · 9 November 2023 English

Given police abolitionism’s new visibility after the 2020 racial justice protests, we assess stakeholder beliefs on the protests’ stock impacts on police-affiliated firms. Experts generally underestimate the firms’ stock gains, …

curiosity. However, the new prominence of police abolitionism and the Defund movement may have sown confusion Gillezeau, 2019) and its antecedents in Black abolitionism. 27 References Acemoglu, D., T. A. Hassan, and

INREA: National Institute for research in technical sciences for the environment and agriculture · 31 October 2023 French

welfarism (the improvement of industrial farms) and abolitionism (the end of farming animals and the sev- ering

NBER: National Bureau of Economic Research · 21 September 2023 English

What drives change in a society’s values? From Marx to modernization theory, scholars have identified a connection between structural transformation and social change. To understand how changes in a society’s …

over the precise link connecting capitalism to abolitionism. Some have focused on economic factors, emphasizing explanations (Ashworth et al. 1992), observing that abolitionism was a social movement with mass participation explanations for the link between industrialization and abolitionism. First, we put forward a simple model in which framework: a link between industrialization and abolitionism at the aggregate level, mediated by a central Quaker. To gain some understanding on whether abolitionism in industrializing areas reflected pri- marily

NBER: National Bureau of Economic Research · 24 August 2023 English

Do investors anticipate that demands for racial equity will impact companies? We explore this question in the context of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement—the largest racially motivated protest movement …

increased attention since the events of summer 2020: abolitionism, a framework that aims to reduce the scale of

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