Access to Information


IRENA: International Renewable Energy Agency · 21 October 2024 English

Renewable energy

2024). This inequality is also reflected in access to information technology; for instance, in 2022, 130 million requires targeted efforts to increase women's access to information about DRE employment opportunities through

World Bank Group · 17 October 2024 English

interventions will result in improved ease and access to information and government services for the people

EPRS: European Parliamentary Research Service · 17 October 2024 English

This study provides an overview of the status of international climate negotiations and issues at stake at the COP29 climate change conference. It also addresses the current implementation of the …

World Bank Group · 17 October 2024 English

Kyrgyz Republic to the UNECE Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-Making including through the form of open data (access to information via the Internet, Open Government). The Republic joined the Aarhus Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-Making of every citizen or institution to have access to information owned by the public authorities about the all stages of Project implementation: • access to information about the Project; • at all stages of

ADB: Asian Development Bank · 17 October 2024 Russian

В данном отчете приведен анализ того, как Казахстан может диверсифицировать свою ресурсозависимую экономику, стимулировать инновации и усилить глобальную рыночную интеграцию для поддержания устойчивого долгосрочного роста и ускорения перехода к экономике …

2024 Asian Development Bank. ADB Contacts Access to Information aAnticorruption and Integrity Cybersecurity

World Bank Group · 17 October 2024 English

other materials TF / C1738 Transparency and Access to Information Post Request for Quota tions Open - National I4C Banners TF / C1738 Transparency and Access to Information Post Request for Bids Open - National Single study books) TF / C1738 Transparency and Access to Information Post Request for Quota tions Limited Single 700 diaries) TF / C1738 Transparency and Access to Information Post Request for Quota tions Limited - National , and TVC) TF / C1738 Transparency and Access to Information Post Consultant Qualifi cation Selection

World Bank Group · 16 October 2024 English

obstacles to full and enabling participation / access to information such as routine meetings and FGDs with

World Bank Group · 16 October 2024 English

Tajikistan has established the basis for public access to information, including information about the environment people affected in particular. Laws on access to information, consumer rights; complaints handling; and

ADB: Asian Development Bank · 16 October 2024 English

Alternative Dispute Resolution supplements traditional decision-making processes in the public domain.

implementation of ISDS commitments through access to information, inter-institutional arrangements, and

World Bank Group · 16 October 2024 English

disclosed. In alignment with IFC and MIGA Access to Information Policies, project-level data is available disclosed. In alignment with IFC and MIGA Access to Information Policies, project-level data is available disclosed. In alignment with IFC and MIGA Access to Information Policies, project-level data is available disclosed. In alignment with IFC and MIGA Access to Information Policies, project-level data is available disclosed. In alignment with IFC and MIGA Access to Information Policies, project-level data is available

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