Act of State

The act-of-state doctrine or foreign act of state doctrine is a principle in English and United States law which states that every sovereign state is bound to respect the independence of every other sovereign state, and the courts will not sit in judgment of another government's acts or act of any sovereign national done within its own territory.The doctrine is not required by international law (neither customary international law nor treaty law), but it is a principle recognized and adhered to by United States federal and state courts. In the United States, the rationales for the doctrine include respect for …



Macquarie Bank Limited · 4 June 2024 English

This Offering Circular is provided for the purpose of giving information with regard to the Issuer and its subsidiaries which, according to the particular nature of the Issuer and the …

Instruments as a result of any force majeure, act of state, strike, blockade or similar circumstance or the Notes as a result of any force majeure, act of state, strike, blockade or similar circumstance or Certificates as a result of any force majeure, act of state, strike, epidemic, terrorism, riot, civil strife

Maine Policy Institute · 16 April 2024 English

Even so, it is fair to state that what has story of how politicians in Augusta began happened in Maine has much to do with the standardizing education with laws …

with racist people in prisons or jails–is an act of state institutions that oppress and subjugate black against the families and that assault is an act of state school’s handlings of sexual assault cases.”¹⁶⁷

World Bank Group · 29 March 2024 English

(Current) End Target Value RA Established under new Act of State Legislative Assembly Customization of new (Current) Target 4 Value RA Established under new Act of State Legislative Assembly Customization of new

UN: The United Nations · 15 February 2024 English

14 p.

up with the country’s foreign affairs. As an act of State, the decision is not subject to appeal before a diplomatic matter and can be considered an act of State.7 In this respect, the families of the women whether or not to repatriate these children is an act of State, rendering appeals to the administrative courts

UN: The United Nations · 8 February 2024 English

3 p.

France's ban on hijab in women's football is an act of state racism. It is not about keeping sports equal

EU: European Union · 31 January 2024 English

The purpose of this paper is to provide a comparative overview of the way in which EU Member States, Genocide Network Observer States and Ukraine have implemented the crime of …

criminalise aggression. ● A leadership crime and an act of State It was debated at Kampala whether internation-

CIL: Centre for International Law · 2024 English

underwater vehicles • Will be considered an “act of State” attributable to the flag State • An exception

IHEID: Geneva Graduate Institute · 2024 English

a correct understanding of the concept of ‘act of state’ for the purpose of attributing state responsibility international law for determining the existence of an act of state in the area of state responsibility.75 C. The

MPI: Migration Policy Institute · 29 November 2023 English

The federal government requires resettlement agencies to formally consult with local actors that are key to the success The federal government of the resettlement enterprise regarding the admission and requires …

facilitates discussion about planning for recent and Act of state refugee coordinators VOLAGs and projected arrivals

World Bank Group · 23 October 2023 English

(Current) End Target Value RA Established under new Act of State Legislative Assembly State level customization (Current) Target 4 Value RA Established under new Act of State Legislative Assembly State level customization

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