Agricultural Sciences

Agricultural science is a broad multidisciplinary field of biology that encompasses the parts of exact, natural, economic and social sciences that are used in the practice and understanding of agriculture. (Veterinary science, but not animal science, is often excluded from the definition.)



World Bank Group · 18 July 2024 English

Promoting gender equality and increasing women’s participation in the economy are vital for North Macedonia’s development. Actively involving and fully utilizing the diverse skills of the population, especially those currently …

Economics Method,” UN Women and Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University

World Bank Group · 15 July 2024 English

farming machinery for the Tajik Academy of Agricultural Sciences (TAAS) institutes: Pamir Institute, Institute Institute of seed production o f the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Tajikistan IDA / D8600 Strengthening Science and Agrochemistry of the Acade my of Agricultural Sciences o f Tajikistan IDA / D8600 Strengthening

ERIA: Economic Research Institute for ASEAN & East Asia · 11 July 2024 English

ERIA Discussion Paper 2024-20, No. 527

(AgriFoSe2030), Report No. 9, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Lund University, Gothenburg University

World Bank Group · 27 June 2024 English

Women around the world face numerous mobility challenges. Public transport can provide many economic benefits that should be enjoyed equally by all users, regardless of gender or life circumstances. In …

Agricultural Practices.” Jordan Journal of Agricultural Sciences 11 (4): 995–1005. Alam, M. M., L. Bagnoli

World Bank Group · 26 June 2024 English

farming machinery for the Tajik Academy of Agricultural Sciences (TAAS) institutes: Pamir Institute, Institute Institute of seed production o f the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Tajikistan IDA / D8600 Strengthening Science and Agrochemistry of the Acade my of Agricultural Sciences o f Tajikistan IDA / D8600 Strengthening

World Bank Group · 20 June 2024 English

This climate-smart agriculture (CSA) profile identifies opportunities for the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan to transform agriculture to increase productivity and enhance climate mitigation and adaptation. The CSA profile …

of these services. The Tajik Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Tajik Agrarian University contribute

EU: European Union · 20 June 2024 English

The aim of this brochure is to provide an overview of the work performed by the EFICA consortium between 2018 and 2023 in support of the EU’s contribution to the …

Antarctic research Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Aquatic Resources, Sweden

World Bank Group · 20 June 2024 English

The overall purpose of this climate-smart agriculture (CSA) analysis is to inform the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan's efforts to implement agricultural programs, such as the updated nationally determined …

and, according to the Tajik Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the country currently has no research activities

World Bank Group · 20 June 2024 English

The overall climate-smart agriculture (CSA) analysis identifies opportunities for the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan to transform agriculture to increase productivity and enhance climate mitigation and adaptation. This in-depth …

Veterinary Medicine of Tajik Academy of Agricultural Sciences, per- sonal communication February 2024

EU: European Union · 17 June 2024 English

Commission Decision of 25 February 2016 setting up a Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries, C(2016) 1084, OJ C 74, 26.2.2016, p. 4–10. The Commission may consult the group …

Valentinsson, Daniel Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Department of Aquatic Resources

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