
Beekeeping (or apiculture) is the maintenance of bee colonies, commonly in man-made hives, by humans. Most such bees are honey bees in the genus Apis, but other honey-producing bees such as Melipona stingless bees are also kept. A beekeeper (or apiarist) keeps bees in order to collect their honey and other products that the hive produce (including beeswax, propolis, flower pollen, bee pollen, and royal jelly), to pollinate crops, or to produce bees for sale to other beekeepers. A location where bees are kept is called an apiary or "bee yard".



World Bank Group · 16 July 2024 English

drafting of a Honey regulation and Na tional Apiculture Plan (1.3.C. 9) IDA / D3720 Component 1: Strengthening

World Bank Group · 16 July 2024 English

Micronutrient deficiency, or hidden hunger, remains a significant problem affecting more than 2 billion people globally. Consuming a diet that is diverse in agricultural products is a primary way of …

trying to diversify his income by engaging in apiculture and eucalyptus tree production. He says, “I

World Bank Group · 26 June 2024 English

2023-01-16 ET-SWEPR-344326-GO-RFQ / Procurement of Apiculture (B eehives) for 5 woredas IDA / 63120 Green Infrastructure / Procurement of beehives and accessories for Apiculture liv elihood purpose for 10 wored as IDA / 63120

World Bank Group · 24 June 2024 French

nationales de développement des filières girofle et apiculture ; et (iii) relancer le dialogue public-privé

World Bank Group · 23 June 2024 English

........ 71 Table 10 Stakeholder Engagement Apiculture Support 2023 ............................... their roles in ensuring its success. Regarding apiculture activities, the ICRC initiated regular discussions prevent any overlap and ensure coordination of apiculture efforts within the FSRRP, including training

WFP: World Food Programme · 20 June 2024 English

This report provides an analysis of food security and evolving needs and an update on main figures related to WFP’s response.

in semi-arid and arid areas, WFP is promoting apiculture, which increases tree conservation, biodiversity

World Bank Group · 17 June 2024 English

VCs (Dairy, Poultry, Red meat, Fishery, and Apiculture) in highland and central highlands of Ethiopia engaged in dairy, red meat, poultry, fishery, apiculture and feed production and marketing activities project aims to support small-scale fisheries, apiculture, poultry, and livestock for diary and meat production activities and forest fires due to traditional apiculture practiced also increase GHG emissions. Livestock

World Bank Group · 14 June 2024 English

/ C onsultant for value chain ass essment of apiculture and cr op products and livestock (ho ney, black

EU: European Union · 14 June 2024 English

2021 ONE OFF EUR – 124 146,00 0,00 – 124 146,00 Apiculture 2020 Weakness on the spot checks of sufficient RATE 5,00% EUR – 29 278,31 0,00 – 29 278,31 Apiculture 2021 Weakness on the spot checks of sufficient http://data.europa.eu/eli/dec_impl/2024/1690/oj Apiculture 2021 Weakness on the spot checks of sufficient RATE 5,00% EUR – 43 644,56 0,00 – 43 644,56 Apiculture 2022 Weakness on the spot checks of sufficient 2021 FLAT RATE 5,00% EUR – 936,97 0,00 – 936,97 Apiculture 2022 Weakness on the spot checks of sufficient

World Bank Group · 7 June 2024 English

policy, the livestock breeding strategy, the apiculture strategy, and the e-commerce strategy. The project policy, the livestock breeding strategy, the apiculture strategy, and the e-commerce strategy. 14

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