Ballistic Missile Early Warning System

The RCA 474L Ballistic Missile Early Warning System (BMEWS, "474L System", Project 474L) was a United States Air Force Cold War early warning radar, computer, and communications system, for ballistic missile detection. The network of twelve radars, which was constructed beginning in 1958 and became operational in 1961, was built to detect a "mass ballistic missile attack launched on northern approaches [for] 15 to 25 minutes' warning time" also provided Project Space Track satellite data (e.g., about one-quarter of SPADATS observations).



SJMS: Scandinavian Journal of Military Studies · 2024 English

Space Base has been part of the Ballistic Missile Early Warning System since the 1950s, has a deep-water

American Academy of Arts and Sciences · 5 October 2023 English

This monograph is published under the American Academy of Arts and Sciences’ project Promoting Dialogue on Arms Control and Disarmament. The current nuclear age is characterized by a simultaneous collapse …

strategicheskaya stabil’nost” [Ballistic missile early warning system and strategic stability], Mirovaya

IEEE: Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos · 14 June 2023

Specifically, the locations of the largest Analysis Paper 34/2023 12 Title of the document Federico Aznar Fernández-Montesinos reserves are the Amerasian Basin, the Arctic Alaska Basin, the East Barents Basin, …

Squadron, which is part of the Ballistic Missile Early Warning System (BMEWS). It is also home to the

JINSA: Jewish Institute for National Security of America · 20 April 2023 English

The president of the United States, in turn, is the only actor capable of reassuring the region’s leaders that by taking the risks of joining a U. [...] Finally, the …

“the development of a GCC-wide Ballistic Missile Early Warning System.” Needless to say, the initiative

IFRI: Institut Français des Relations Internationales · 2 March 2023 English

When Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin announced a “no limits friendship” at their February 2022 summit, the message was that Beijing and Moscow had reached a new peak in relations. …

Liberation Army (PLA) to develop a ballistic missile early warning system (BMEWS). In the past, defense surface-to-air missile system, and the ballistic missile early warning system. See A. Erickson and G. Collins

CGO: Center for Growth and Opportunity · 30 June 2022 English

But Cordiner, part of the team that used Hubble to detect ionized recent evidence suggests that some or all of the water that forms buckminsterfullerene.25 the ocean was brought via …

the laws of physics. America’s ballistic missile early warning system is also largely This capability

CGAI: Canadian Global Affairs Institute · 1 May 2022

its ballistic missile early warning mission. Accessing information from the U.S. Ballistic Missile Early Warning System (BMEWS), NORAD’s mission was to assess whether North America was under attack, and

Chatham House · 7 March 2022 English

The risks that complexity poses to decision-making in the context of nuclear weapons include possible escalatory actions as a result of miscalculation, misperception or misjudgment. These actions could in turn …

those who had developed the [ballistic missile early-warning system], including our renowned academicians

RAND Corporation · 17 February 2022 English

U.S.-Russia strategic stability is based on mutual vulnerability to retaliation, which eliminates the incentive to strike first. Yet the United States has developed capabilities that Moscow fears could be used …

missile was detected by the U.S. Ballistic Missile Early Warning System. But that qualifier of “only” nonethe-

CNA: Center for Naval Analyses · 5 January 2022 English

In this report, we address the following questions: • How does the Arctic fit in China’s national strategy, and what are the PRC’s strategic objectives in the Arctic? • How …

is home to a key part of the US ballistic missile early-warning system.237 Recent events in Greenland

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