Bantu Languages

The Bantu languages (English: , Proto-Bantu: *bantʊ̀) are a large family of languages spoken by the Bantu peoples throughout sub-Saharan Africa. The total number of Bantu languages ranges in the hundreds, depending on the definition of "language" versus "dialect", and is estimated at between 440 and 680 distinct languages. For Bantuic, Linguasphere (Part 2, Transafrican phylosector, phylozone 99) has 260 outer languages (which are equivalent to languages, inner languages being dialects). McWhorter points out, using a comparison of 16 languages from Bangi-Moi, Bangi-Ntamba, Koyo-Mboshi, Likwala-Sangha, Ngondi-Ngiri and Northern Mozambiqean, mostly from Guthrie Zone C, that many varieties are mutually intelligible.The …



RESEP: Research on Socio-Economic Policy · 22 December 2023 English

7 COVID-19 AND INEQUALTIY IN READING OUTCOMES IN SOUTH AFRICA 2.4.2 South African response to learning losses and lost contact teaching time Large reductions in teaching time in 2020 and …

(3)). 25 This is the group of nine Southern Bantu languages that are official languages in South Africa: categories. African languages are the 9 Southern Bantu languages that are an official language in South Africa:

World Bank Group · 16 November 2023 Portuguese

object pronominal agreement in the southern Bantu languages: From a dynamic syntax perspective. 11 Veja

INREA: National Institute for research in technical sciences for the environment and agriculture · 29 October 2023 French

68. Guthrie, M. The Classification of the Bantu Languages (Oxford Univ. Press for the International African

INREA: National Institute for research in technical sciences for the environment and agriculture · 27 October 2023

Linguistic classification of the central Kenya Bantu languages (Hammarström et al., 2015) (A) (B) 1244  |  later performed by a native Central Kenya Bantu languages speaker to limit errors due to spell- ing,

INREA: National Institute for research in technical sciences for the environment and agriculture · 24 October 2023 English

green. (B) Classification of Central Kenya Bantu languages following Hammarström et al. (48). (C) Locations

RESEP: Research on Socio-Economic Policy · 12 September 2023 English

PowerPoint Presentation COVID-19 impact on inequality of learning outcomes in SA Bianca Böhmer 05 September 2023 Introduction Data Results Summary & Discussion Motivation COVID-19 hugely disrupted education globally, with an …

All other languages includes the 9 Southern Bantu languages that are official language in South Africa:

AU: African Union · 11 July 2023 English

1 It is my pleasure as the Commissioner for Health, Humanitarian Affairs and Social Development of the African Union Commission, to take part, in the celebration, of the 2nd edition …

language with terms drawn from Arabic and other Bantu languages spoken either as a mother tongue or, as a fluent

UNU WIDER: United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research · 11 May 2023 English

WIDER Working Paper 2023/62-Language and student learning: Evidence from an ethnographic study in Mozambique

requirements. Bilingual education based on local (Bantu) languages was first introduced in 2003. It has been suggestions for a future research agenda. 2 Local (Bantu) languages in primary education In line with previous Unlike in the neighbouring countries, local Bantu languages have not been accorded an official status in include bilingual education based on local Bantu languages. The pilot had demonstrated improvements in throughout the country, using Portuguese and 16 Bantu languages in teaching and learning. The decision on the

AU: African Union · 8 September 2022 English

Contacts ____________________________________ 156 Investment Promotion Agency _________________________ 156 Business Council & Associations ________________________ 156 5.13. [...] Contacts ____________________________________ 163 Investment Promotion Agency _________________________ 163 Business Council & Associations ________________________ 163 …

999,421 (2019 est.) English(official) and 11 Bantu Languages[01] languages(official) Bemba, Tonga, Chewa

World Bank Group · 27 February 2022 English

In addition, various prefixes are used in Bantu languages for plural or singular groups9, frequently ‘stranger’, ‘foreigner’, ‘other’ in various Bantu languages. Therefore, there is not necessarily any significant object pronominal agreement in the southern Bantu languages: From a dynamic syntax perspective. 10 See

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