
Benin, officially the Republic of Benin (French: République du Bénin), and formerly Dahomey, is a country in West Africa. It is bordered by Togo to the west, Nigeria to the east, Burkina Faso to the north-west, and Niger to the north-east. The majority of its population lives on the southern coastline of the Bight of Benin, part of the Gulf of Guinea in the northernmost tropical portion of the Atlantic Ocean.



SUN: Scaling Up Nutrition · 3 October 2019 English

the SUN Movement seeks to catalyze change and deliver nutrition impact. [...] Based on the data, Benin is progressing well with strong Joined the SUN Movement in 2011 performance in the enabling environment Framework and Lists of Indicators, including definitions and data sources, is available at . [...] Benin Enabling Environment As stakeholders from different sectors come together to build an enabling environment

COUNTRY DASHBOARD 2019 Benin The Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability FOR BENIN 69% 58% 60% 75% 50% 56% 59% 55% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Median for SUN countries Benin Data Data for Benin are available for 78/85 (92%) MEAL indicators, with most covering the timeframe 2013-2018 2013-2018. Based on the data, Benin is progressing well with strong Joined the SUN Movement in 2011 performance based on data availability. Benin Enabling Environment As stakeholders from different

SUN: Scaling Up Nutrition · 11 July 2022 English

Nutrition Report: SO.1 Strengthen and sustain strong policy and advocacy environments western-africa/benin Overall, the members of t. [...] The National Food and Nutrition Policy is currently under review The FNC is currently advocating for the National Association SUN Business Network of Communes of Benin to create a budget line for nutrition at the UN Nutrition subnational level within the Commune Development

2021 SUN COUNTRY PROFILE Benin Joined Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement: December 2011 National multi-stakeholder environments western-africa/benin Overall, the members of the FNC consider Benin as being on track to achieve finalized. The State budget allocated to the FNC Association SUN Business Network of Communes of Benin to create a budget line for nutrition at the UN between sectoral in 2021 continue to be implemented. Benin has a Common Results ministries, stakeholders and

SUN: Scaling Up Nutrition · 27 November 2018 English

nutrition is in and funding for nutrition projects is grad- place, albeit excluding non-g. [...] ORG/BENIN • Finalise the National Nutrition Plan and update • Establish a system to map annual funding and and

Joined: December 2011 Population: 11.18 million Benin Under five stunting (%) 32.2 Under five wasting 61% 2018–2019 PRIORITIES SCALINGUPNUTRITION.ORG/BENIN • Finalise the National Nutrition Plan and update level; Foreword Country index List of abbreviations and

SUN: Scaling Up Nutrition · 6 June 2017 English

Trends in upper-bound nutrition-relevant allocations across MDAs, 2013, 2014, and 2015 (USD) FIGURE 1 $70 M $6.00 $60 M $5.00 $50 M $4.00 $40 M $3.00 $30 M $2.00 $20 …

NUTRITION INVESTMENT SNAPSHOT: BENIN INDONESIA SUMMARY TABLE 2014 Nominal upper-bound 2015 Nominal upper-bound

SUN: Scaling Up Nutrition · 25 November 2019 English

This means that for each Per capita Amount (USD) Amount (USD) capita Amount (USD) Per capita (USD) (USD) programme, there is more than (USD) one budget line. [...] Trends in …

NUTRITION INVESTMENT SNAPSHOT: Benin INDONESIA SUMMARY TABLE Benin’s budgetary structure is aggregated immunization and primary Nutrition Association of Benin Program health care Municipalities 2016 Allocations Nutrition -59% Support to the National Association of Benin Municipalities Aucune allocations en 2017 ou 2016

SUN: Scaling Up Nutrition · 26 March 2018 English

Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, Learning (MEAL) 2016–2020 COUNTRY DASHBOARD Benin The MEAL Results Framework identifies a wide range of desired results and associated indicators of progress across domains in which the SUN Movement seeks to catalyze change and deliver nutrition impact. [...] BENIN BENIN: RELATIVE SCORE FOR EACH DOMAIN The Country Dashboard provides an overview on the progress using of Change, from commitments to actions to Environment results to impacts. [...] Based on the data, Benin is Interventions progressing well with strong performance in legislation and the & Food Supply

Accountability, Learning (MEAL) 2016–2020 COUNTRY DASHBOARD Benin The MEAL Results Framework identifies a wide range steps in the SUN Movement Theory of Change. BENIN BENIN: RELATIVE SCORE FOR EACH DOMAIN The Country Dashboard results to impacts. Finance for Nutrition Data for Benin are available for 75/79 (95%) indicators mostly covering the timeframe 2011-2016. Based on the data, Benin is Interventions progressing well with strong performance 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Median for SUN countries Benin Enabling Environment SUN COUNTRY INDICATOR SCORE

Safe Water Network · 12 August 2015 English

Finance Corporation (IFC) and the Dutch management of PWS, the key feature of the affermage Embassy in Benin. [...] to the sector, what are the main components involved in strengthening the PPP model for rural municipality tariffs agreed upon with the municipality and is responsible and a PO (referred to in Benin as a “fermier”); for operations and maintenance (O&M) related expenses. [...] As an The results

Water and Sanitation Program: REPORT Benin – Innovative public private partnerships for rural water services Austria, Denmark, Coordinator for Benin based in Cotonou (Benin - West Finland, France, the Bill & Melinda Foundation, Luxembourg, Africa). He is leading Benin small scale piped water schemes Netherlands, Norway for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank Benin – Innovative public private partnerships for rural As the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) come Benin is one of the countries that has sought participation

UNU WIDER: United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research · 13 September 2019 English

▪ The outcome variable : • The duration of transition from school to the first job (in months) ▪ The treatment variable: binary variable indicating whether the youth has already …

Studying: Employment Premium or Penalty for Youth in Benin? Sènakpon F. A. Dedehouanou, Luca Tiberti, Hilaire labour market Context Youth unemployment issue in Benin • Duration reported to be long: 42.7% of unemployed having an easier transition from school to work in Benin • Effort and large investments are spent to deal Transition Surveys (SWTS) implemented in 2014-2015 in Benin by the National Institute of Statistics, under the This research was carried out by Abomey-Calavi (Benin) University With technical and financial support

ICIPE: African Insect Science for Food and Health English

agencies, donors and research institutions redeemed, and by what amount of effort and expense. [...] Benin is located on the West Coast of Africa MIT IGAT ING FOOD LOSSES IN BEN IN : S t a t u s a n d Wa y Access to extension services was found to be an important factor for adoption of PH technologies in Benin. [...] We acknowledge the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology ( ) and the International

MITIGATING FOOD LOSSES IN BENIN Status and Way Forward for Postharvest Research and Innovations Christopher less than the national demand. Con- sequently, Benin is a net importer of food products. Mitigating effort and expense. Magnitude of PH losses in Benin Unreliable PH loss data can deny decision makers magnitude of PH losses for these commodities in Benin. A further aim was to unravel the kind of innovations billion is spent each year on food imports in Benin. In SSA, annual value of PH losses for grains alone

SAIIA: South African Institute of International Affairs · 1 December 2021 English

to the most affected countries, the spread of the stringent set of policies to COVID-19 virus in Benin was minimal. [...] Monetary policy The West African Economic and Monetary Union has taken pre-emptive

IN AFRICA 10 Macroeconomic Policy Development in Benin Ian Heffernan International Development Research African countries and specifically on six countries (Benin, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda, Nigeria and South Africa) pandemic in Benin. We focus on the monetary and fiscal policy implemented by the government of Benin and the price increase. Introduction The government of Benin has taken decisive action to limit the negative to limit the negative economic consequences in Benin. In particular, we focus on fiscal and monetary

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