
Cadmium is a chemical element with the symbol Cd and atomic number 48. This soft, silvery-white metal is chemically similar to the two other stable metals in group 12, zinc and mercury. Like zinc, it demonstrates oxidation state +2 in most of its compounds, and like mercury, it has a lower melting point than the transition metals in groups 3 through 11. Cadmium and its congeners in group 12 are often not considered transition metals, in that they do not have partly filled d or f electron shells in the elemental or common oxidation states. The average concentration of cadmium …



World Bank Group · 17 July 2024 English

districts is contaminated by arsenic, uranium. cadmium, and lead. Through excessive use of chemical fertilizers

EU: European Union · 27 June 2024 English

000 g/kg Relevant impurities: Arsenic (1 g/kg), Cadmium (0,1 g/kg), Chromium-VI (0,1 g/kg), Mercury (1 g/kg Relevant impurities: Arsenic (1 g/ kg), Cadmium (0,1 g/kg), Chro­ mium-VI (0,1 g/kg), Mercury (1

EU: European Union · 26 June 2024 English

This document is the annual EU emission inventory report under the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (Air Convention) (UNECE, 1979). The report …

Lead emission trends and key categories 79 3.12 Cadmium emission trends and key categories 82 3.13 Mercury pollutant); • priority heavy metals (HMs): lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd) and mercury (Hg); • additional HMs: arsenic priority heavy metals (HMs): • lead (Pb) • cadmium (Cd) • mercury (Hg); 22 European Union emission

SEARCA: Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture · 25 June 2024 English

Moreover, SEARCA funded the crafting of the Seed Industry Development Program of the Philippines and collaborated with the Philippine government in formulating the National Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization and Industrialization …

Commercial Feed Containing 17 December 2018 UPLB Cadmium on Haematology, Plasma Metallothionein, Gastrointestinal

UNEP: United Nations Environment Programme · 18 June 2024 English

This Preliminary Assessment was prepared by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in response to an official request from the State of Palestine for an assessment of the environmental impacts …

resources. Toxic substances such as lead and cadmium, found in the panels, can leach into the soil

World Bank Group · 18 June 2024 English

hydride, nickel cadmium, and lead acid batteries. Batteries, specifically nickel cadmium and lead acid

EPRS: European Parliamentary Research Service · 14 June 2024 English

Aquaculture is an important sector of the EU's blue economy and has the potential to play a more vital role as a sustainable food supplier under the European Green Deal. …

including certain heavy metals (such as lead and cadmium), dioxin and some pesticides. General rules for

World Bank Group · 12 June 2024 English

generation of electronic wastes (e.g., nickel-cadmium batteries and printed circuit boards from computer dangerous to human health, such as mercury, lead, cadmium, polybrominated flame retardants, barium and lithium

AU: African Union · 12 June 2024 English

Africa’s Development Dynamics 2023 INVESTING IN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT This work is published under the responsibility of the Secretary-General of the OECD and the Chairperson of the AUC. [...] This work …

IEA lists 33 critical minerals: Arsenic, Boron, Cadmium, Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Gallium, Germanium, on the following critical minerals: Aluminium, Cadmium, Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Iron/Steel, Graphite

World Bank Group · 12 June 2024 English

2024 Page 4 of 17 contaminants found are cadmium (Cd) and other heavy metals,6 as well as POPs.7 protection, emphasizing classified 6 Including cadmium/Cd (7.0 percent), arsenic/As (2.7 percent), mercury emission and deposition to accumulation of soil cadmium in the Middle-Lower Yangtze Plain, China, Journal China, most industries in Shaoguan do not include cadmium thresholds to ensure soil protection and food safety pollution and quality challenges, including those on cadmium pollution – a challenge seen in South Asia, Central

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