
Cannabis () is a genus of flowering plants in the family Cannabaceae. The number of species within the genus is disputed. Three species may be recognized: Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica, and Cannabis ruderalis; C. ruderalis may be included within C. sativa; all three may be treated as subspecies of a single species, C. sativa; or C. sativa may be accepted as a single undivided species. The genus is widely accepted as being indigenous to and originating from Central Asia, with some researchers also including upper South Asia in its origin.The plant is also known as hemp, although this term is …



Cato Institute · 18 July 2024 English

Most Americans have access to either medical or recreational cannabis, but prohibition at the federal level persists, and that prohibition keeps in place at least two big problems. Paul Best explains.

7:53 AM Two Problems That Vanish with the End of Cannabis Prohibition | Cato Institute https://www.cato org/multimedia/cato-daily-podcast/two-problems-vanish-end-cannabis-prohibition 1/3CATO DAILY PODCAST • JULY 18, 2024 End of Cannabis Prohibition Most Americans have access to either medical or recreational cannabis, but 7:53 AM Two Problems That Vanish with the End of Cannabis Prohibition | Cato Institute https://www.cato -end-cannabis-prohibition 2/37/19/24, 7:53 AM Two Problems That Vanish with the End of Cannabis Prohibition

Cato Institute · 17 July 2024 English

Millennium Health, a drug testing company that monitors drug use for pain management and drug addiction treatment centers, publishes "Signals Reports" on emerging drug use trends based on urine drug …

(“ecstasy” or “molly”), “magic mushrooms,” and cannabis have been Schedule I (“no currently accepted medical

South Australian Centre for Economic Studies · 11 July 2024 English

Commonwealth of Australia Despite the lifts in the projections of the SA population aged 15 to 69 years, the population 70 years and older still rises strongly as a share …

of a range of illicit drugs, being higher for Cannabis and Methylamphetamine; around average for Fentanyl

ANROWS: Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety · 1 July 2024 English

The Network The Network was established in 2011 following the The national filicide project implementation of DFV death review mechanisms in several Australian jurisdictions.3 The Network is The current project …

key antecedent of DFV-context filicide, such as cannabis dependence, self-harm and suicide proposed by

RAND Corporation · 27 June 2024 English

Psychedelic substances, such as psilocybin and LSD, have long been touted as holding promise for treating some mental health conditions. An increasing number of U.S. state and local governments are …

foundational research on the policy issues surrounding cannabis legalization and our 2022 report on Psychedelics (for insights about federal policy on Tribal cannabis, see Stoa 2023). This is very much an area ripe viii Key Insights • Unlike people who use cannabis and many other drugs, infrequent users of psychedelics that the NSDUH classifies as hallucinogens and cannabis by frequency of use. A major takeaway from our infrequent users drive the market for psychedelics. For cannabis, it is negligible: Those who reported using five

RAND Corporation · 26 June 2024 English

This study maps what is known about the criminal profiles of perpetrators of large-scale high-impact cybercrime attacks from Eastern Europe and Russia, including their background characteristics, motivations and recruitment. The …

dit tot het gebruik van drugs, zoals cocaïne en cannabis. Uit interviews met hooggeplaatste cybercriminelen

Amnesty International · 21 June 2024 English

To mark “World Drugs Day” on 26 June as activists worldwide are joining together under the #SupportDontPunish campaign, Amnesty International is launching this new policy paper to contribute to the …

should be looked into, such as the regulation of cannabis for medical and non-medical purposes, medical

Penington Institute · 21 June 2024 English

Sellers in the criminal market are held to no standards, they don’t check buyer birth dates, they don’t pay taxes and they are not compelled to test for contaminants and …

Herald Sun OPINION 65 Mark Knight Turn new leaf on cannabis John Ryan t doesn’t make many Iheadlines but there has an impact on every second person you know. Cannabis is the most commonly used illicit drug in the community’s perspective and attitudes towards cannabis have continually changed and matured, to the point majority were in favour of a strictly regulated cannabis market for adult use, with only 21 per cent saying particular young people.Regulation would not create a cannabis market. That market is already here: underground

Cato Institute · 20 June 2024 English

At the federal level, the Biden administration is expected to move marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule III in the coming months, a move that many researchers see as a …

federal policy is endangering state‐ authorized cannabis markets while hindering research. 6/21/24, 6:56 ijuana-prohibitions-long-demise 2/13 Dockside Cannabis co‐ owner Oscar Velasco‐ Schmitz outside one of founder of Seattle‐ based dispensary chain Dockside Cannabis, which has been targeted by criminals multiple marijuana-prohibitions-long-demise 6/13 “High cannabis‐ specific taxes drive up the overall costs at unreasonable position, blocking research into the way cannabis is actually consumed.” the extent of the financial

EU: European Union · 19 June 2024 Dutch

van: “Meel afkomstig van hennep van rassen van Cannabis sativa L. met een tetrahydrocannabinolgehalte afkomstig van stengels van hennep van rassen van Cannabis sativa L. met een tetrahydrocannabi­ nolgehalte hennep verkregen product afkomstig van rassen van Cannabis sativa L. met een tetrahydrocannabinolgehalte hennep verkregen product afkomstig van rassen van Cannabis sativa L. met een tetrahydrocannabinolgehalte

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