
A cartel is a group of independent market participants who collude with each other in order to improve their profits and dominate the market. Cartels are usually associations in the same sphere of business, and thus an alliance of rivals. Most jurisdictions consider it anti-competitive behavior. Cartel behavior includes price fixing, bid rigging, and reductions in output. The doctrine in economics that analyzes cartels is cartel theory. Cartels are distinguished from other forms of collusion or anti-competitive organization such as corporate mergers.



CGAI: Canadian Global Affairs Institute · 31 August 2024

armies during the First World War; the attempts at cartels by major oil-producing companies; the creation la Première Guerre mondiale ; les tentatives de cartels des grandes entreprises productrices ; la création

Brookings Institution · 20 August 2024 English

In the show's second episode, host Vanda Felbab-Brown talks with Dr. Peter Reuter and Dr. Greg Midgette, criminology professors at the University of Maryland, about the current state of the …

Mexico. And in fact, we are seeing the Mexican cartels, Sinaloa and Jalisco Nueva Generación, setting

Brookings Institution · 20 August 2024 English

In the show's first episode, host Vanda Felbab-Brown speaks with Dr. Jonathan Caulkins, a professor at Carnegie Mellon University, about the unique challenges that synthetic drugs, and particularly synthetic opioids, …

suppliers are in the U.S., they are the Mexican cartels. They behave very differently here than in Mexico

CEIP: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace · 19 August 2024 English

The interaction of national armed forces and private business sectors offers a useful lens for viewing the politics of numerous countries of the so-called Global South. A rising trend of …

o�cers’ provision of logistical support to drug cartels—including large Mexican ones, entering di�erent private sector. �e �rst is the upsurge of drug cartels. Honduras has been a favored transit route for sector elites (including large landowners), drug cartels, politicians, and the military established alliances the United States for collaborating with drug cartels. Court cases have also revealed the linkages between multiple accusations against Zelaya of links to drug cartels, but he has not been convicted. El Salvador: Back

Brookings Institution · 15 August 2024 English

Is democracy in decline? In this first episode of Democracy in Question, host Katie Dunn Tenpas explores an issue that is on the minds of many citizens and scholars alike. …

there’s so much … there’s so many forces like cartels in Mexico, so many war-torn areas which are producing

World Bank Group · 13 August 2024 English

Technological progress has the potential to cause significant disruption in labor markets. This report examines the impact of computers, robots, AI, and improved ICT at work on labor markets in …

characterized by limited competition and the operation of cartels that undermine competitive pressures and so productivity

Cato Institute · 8 August 2024 English

I am reliably informed that the Republican Party's 2024 vice-presidential nominee, Ohio senator JD Vance, is not a libertarian. Given the standard set by Mike Pence, Paul Ryan, Sarah Palin, …

supports using the US military to fight Mexican drug cartels, and “share[s] the establishment view that the

Cato Institute · 8 August 2024 English

Many people wrongly believe that immigration is critical to the illicit supply of fentanyl in the United States. However, proponents of this view have offered little more than speculation to …

until 2020, but with travel greatly restricted, cartels needed to get more product across with fewer trips affect the availability of fentanyl unless drug cartels chose not to increase supply in response. We already because politicians have decided that empowering cartels to flood the market with fentanyl is better than

NBER: National Bureau of Economic Research · 8 August 2024 English

Theories of crime in economics focus on the roles of deterrence and incapacitation in reducing criminal activity. In addition to deterrence, a growing body of empirical evidence has shown that …

into desperation and increased the ability of cartels to pressure them. Reyes (2014) nds that coca eradication

ICRIER: Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations · 5 August 2024 English

The Economics of the Cloud Services Market An analysis of the competitive landscape of the cloud services market requires an understanding of its key economic characteristics. [...] The Competitive Landscape …

Autorité noted that antitrust law pertaining to cartels in particular may be relevant in view of the emergence

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