
Cinnamon is a spice obtained from the inner bark of several tree species from the genus Cinnamomum. Cinnamon is used mainly as an aromatic condiment and flavouring additive in a wide variety of cuisines, sweet and savoury dishes, breakfast cereals, snackfoods, tea and traditional foods. The aroma and flavour of cinnamon derive from its essential oil and principal component, cinnamaldehyde, as well as numerous other constituents including eugenol. Cinnamon is the name for several species of trees and the commercial spice products that some of them produce. All are members of the genus Cinnamomum in the family Lauraceae. Only a …



APO: Asian Productivity Organization · 11 September 2024 English

Third, limited participation in the international division of labor, inadequate external investments, and the absence of trade promotion agencies collectively undermine the competitiveness of the manufacturing sector, leading to declines …

Portuguese initiated the colonial economy by trading cinnamon with European markets in the early 1500s. The

EU: European Union · 16 August 2024 English

depend on the variety of ‘Mantecado de Estepa’: cinnamon, home- made style, olive oil, almond, cocoa, lard and icing sugar. Additional ingredients are: cinnamon, sesame, almonds, hazelnuts, coconut, cocoa, natural 22–26 % 22–25 % 22–25 % Additional ingredients Cinnamon 0,7–1 % 0,7–1 % 0,7–1 % 0,7–1 % 0–0,5 % 0–0,5 icing sugar, with additional ingredients such as cinnamon and almonds inter alia. They are round in shape greeted with the sweet, mouth watering aroma of cinnamon, toasted sugar and sesame. At this time of year

World Bank Group · 8 August 2024 English

commercial crops (export agriculture crops) include cinnamon, pepper, cocoa, coffee and others, and are grown

World Bank Group · 17 July 2024 English

commercial crops (export agriculture crops) include cinnamon, pepper, cocoa, coffee and others, and are grown

EU: European Union · 10 July 2024 English

fistula L. Golden shower Fruit 7 Cinnamomum sp. Cinnamon Flower 8 Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck Orange Flower

World Bank Group · 16 June 2024 English

commercial crops (export agriculture crops) include cinnamon, pepper, cocoa, coffee and others, and are grown

World Bank Group · 13 June 2024 English

commercial crops (export agriculture crops) include cinnamon, pepper, cocoa, coffee and others, and are grown

EU: European Union · 12 June 2024 English

spices) 0904 Pesticide resi­ dues (9) 20 Cinnamon and cinnamon- tree flowers (Food – dried spices) 0906

World Bank Group · 11 June 2024 English

Bambang Lanang see ds, Surian seeds, Petai seeds , Cinnamon seeds, durian see ds TF / B3897 Implementing Sustainable nurseries fo r surian seeds, robusta coffe e seeds, cinnamon seeds, or ganic compost fertilizer, man ure, polybags procurement of maintena nce petai seeds, surian seeds , cinnamon seeds, organic fer tilizer and compost TF / B3897

World Bank Group · 6 June 2024 English

traditional export agriculture crops include cinnamon, pepper, cocoa, and coffee, among others, and

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