
Commuting is periodically recurring travel between one's place of residence and place of work or study, where the traveler leaves the boundary of their home community. It sometimes refers to any regular or often repeated traveling between locations, even when not work-related. The modes of travel, time taken and distance traveled in commuting varies widely across the globe. Most people in least-developed countries continue to walk to work, as the ancestors of all people did until the nineteenth century. The cheapest method of commuting after walking is usually by bicycle, so this is common in low-income countries, but is also …



Centre for Cities · 3 September 2024 English

The report explores the post-pandemic shift back to office-based work in central London, comparing it to five other global cities: Paris, New York, Singapore, Sydney, and Toronto. The study finds …

Toronto and Sydney surveys, and TfL for providing commuting data. About the partner Primera are experts in This is in the face of continued shifts in commuting patterns in just the last year, and the benefits strong return to the office from almost zero commuting during the first round of restrictions in 2020 of their city (see Figure 1).5 In each city, commuting data was analysed to determine the target proportion track the commuting data. But the increase over this period marks a slowdown from before. Commuting recovered

2 September 2024 English

This report, produced by over 100 council landlords from across England, outlines a comprehensive plan to secure the future of council housing. It identifies the challenges facing council housing, including …

productivity, for example those generated by reducing commuting times. Many select committee reports, think tanks

RSF: Russell Sage Foundation · 1 September 2024 English

What concepts do people use to construct narratives about how to get ahead in contemporary society? To what extent do these narratives reflect distinctive constellations of beliefs? What are these …

colleague* colleg* commerc* committee* commute* commuting companies company compet* comput* conferenc* conglom*

World Bank Group · 29 August 2024 English

This report is a product of the World Bank’s monitoring efforts in Myanmar and examines the country’s agricultural sector performance and food security status. The report assesses the performance of …

village tract or even a district during harvest, commuting to towns for construction, or taking up seasonal

EU: European Union · 29 August 2024 English

This profile, prepared in the course of START (Secretariat Technical Assistance to Regions in Transition) technical assistance, outlines regional characteristics. The Midlands region consists of four counties, Laois, Offaly, Longford …

on the rail and road networks with increased commuting towards larger towns and cities. The restructuring

Brookings Institution · 29 August 2024 English

The motivation for backward-looking investment is clear. The U.S. economy is no stranger to industry shocks, nor their long-term economic and sociopolitical consequences. At multiple points in recent decades, sudden …

midwestern US Change in import penetration by US commuting zone, 2000�2012 Source: Autor, D., Dorn, D., Hanson

CSEP: Centre for Social and Economic Progress · 27 August 2024 English

The Centre for Social and Economic Progress (CSEP) conducts in-depth, policy-relevant research and provides evi- dence-based recommendations to the challenges facing India and the world. [...] CSEP is based in …

include products with high carbon content, such as commuting and transportation, and food and beverages. 11

EC: European Commission · 26 August 2024 English

Diets are a significant contributor to malnutrition in all its forms. Moreover, changes in food consumption create opportunities and challenges for agrifood systems. An improved understanding of diets is therefore …

production of food. Working outside the home and commuting also increases the likelihood that some foods

AHURI: Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute · 20 August 2024 English

However, efforts to maintain housing and rental affordability and liveability need to be implemented urgently in non-metropolitan Australia to maintain ‘cheaper housing’ and ‘different lifestyle’ as pull factors, and limit …

remote and outer regional areas could also shift commuting zones further outwards and allow people to live

AHURI: Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute · 20 August 2024 English

425 Place-based drivers and effective management of population growth and change in regional Australia 5 Introduction This project was designed to investigate place-based push and pull factors that explain contemporary …

remote and outer regional areas could also shift commuting zones further outwards and allow people to live per cent of movers stated that telecommuting/ commuting in Ballarat is satisfactory or very satisfactory with physical transport upgrades, could shift commuting zones further outwards and allow people to live Welters, R., (2017) ‘What drives long distance commuting into Australian regions? A spatial panel model in the community (5) O O O O O Telecommuting/ commuting to work O O O O O (6) Finding paid work (7) O

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