
Congenital iodine deficiency syndrome is a medical condition present at birth marked by impaired physical and mental development, due to insufficient thyroid hormone (hypothyroidism) often caused by insufficient dietary iodine during pregnancy. It is one cause of underactive thyroid function at birth, called congenital hypothyroidism, and also referred to as cretinism.If untreated, it results in impairment of both physical and mental development. Symptoms may include goiter, poor length growth in infants, reduced adult stature, thickened skin, hair loss, enlarged tongue, a protruding abdomen; delayed bone maturation and puberty in children; and mental deterioration, neurological impairment, impeded ovulation, and infertility in …



African Economic Research Consortium · 16 January 2024 French

Des exemples évidents de changements de paradigme sont le passage de la gravité newtonienne à la relativité générale d'Einstein, le passage de la mécanique classique à la mécanique quantique, l'idée …

Dans leur forme la plus grave, les troubles dus à la carence en iode (TCI) comprennent le crétinisme, la mortinatalité et

INREA: National Institute for research in technical sciences for the environment and agriculture · 6 November 2023

pregnancy causes a condition known as “neurological cretinism”—with most dra- matic effects if hypothyroidism

INREA: National Institute for research in technical sciences for the environment and agriculture · 3 November 2023

is associated with maternal and fetal goiter, cretinism, intellectual impairments, neonatal hypo- thyroidism

INREA: National Institute for research in technical sciences for the environment and agriculture · 25 October 2023 French

La carence en vitamine A peut causer la xérophtalmie, la carence en iode le goitre et le crétinisme, la carence en fer l

INREA: National Institute for research in technical sciences for the environment and agriculture · 18 October 2023 French

Un déficit en hormones thyroïdiennes pendant la période néonatale a de sévères conséquences puisqu’il va conduire au crétinisme

3ie: International Initiative for Impact Evaluation · 16 June 2023 English

3ie Evidence Gap Map Report 24, 2023

deficiency disorder, goiter, status hyperthyroidism, cretinism, thyroid-stimulating Iodine Any measure of micronutrient

3ie: International Initiative for Impact Evaluation · 16 June 2023 English

3ie Evidence Gap Map Report 24, 2023

deficiency disorder, goiter, status hyperthyroidism, cretinism, thyroid-stimulating Iodine Any measure of micronutrient

SUN: Scaling Up Nutrition · 20 February 2023 French

Le rapport final du consultant livré en décembre 2019 a connu des amendements notables de la part du Ministère du Plan et du Développement (MPD), du Ministère de l’Agriculture de …

Une carence en iode in utero peut, si elle est importante, causer cette arriération mentale profonde qu'est le crétinisme

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