
Danes (Danish: danskere, pronounced [ˈtænskɐɐ]) are a North Germanic ethnic group native to Denmark and a modern nation identified with the country of Denmark. This connection may be ancestral, legal, historical, or cultural. Danes generally regard themselves as a nationality and reserve the word "ethnic" for the description of recent immigrants, sometimes referred to as "new Danes". The contemporary Danish ethnic identity is based on the idea of "Danishness", which is founded on principles formed through historical cultural connections and is not based on racial heritage.



EFFAT: European Federation of Trade Unions in the Food, Agriculture and Tourism · 9 October 2024 Spanish

• Aplicar las recomendaciones relativas al sector cárnico formuladas en el informe final de la Comisión Especial Oireachtas sobre las respuestas a la COVID-19, en particular las relativas a la …

cobertura de la negociación colectiva: un ejemplo danés La industria cárnica danesa ocupa una posición única

NBER: National Bureau of Economic Research · 4 October 2024 English

Recent research has uncovered large spatial heterogeneity in intergenerational mobility across neighborhoods in countries around the world. Yet there is little consensus on the reasons why mobility is high in …

least $1,000. We also restrict our sample to native Danes since first-generation immigrants are not observed

NBER: National Bureau of Economic Research · 3 October 2024 English

This paper studies intergenerational mobility—the transmission of family influence. We develop and estimate measures of lifetime resources motivated by economic theory that account for differences in life-cycle trajectories, and uncertainty …

Denmark. We start with a sample of 105,953 native Danes who did not migrate, whose par- ents did not migrate 1981 and 1982 cohorts above (i.e., those native Danes for whom we can establish a link to parents, whose sample of 209,603 child-parent pairs of native Danes (reflecting that birth cohorts from the 1980s were

EU: European Union · 1 October 2024 English

2023). (18) https://www.schengenvisainfo.com/news/danes-advised-to-avoid-non-essential-trips-to-cyprus-latvia-germany/ 2023). (19) https://www.schengenvisainfo.com/news/danes-advised-to-avoid-non-essential-trips-to-cyprus-latvia-germany/

SWP: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik · 30 September 2024 German

SWP-Studie 2024/S 22, Oktober 2024, 42 Seiten

and U.S. Agree on Improved Coopera- ›Debacle‹ Has Danes Puzzled«, in: Washington Post, 7.11.2019. tion at conducting espionage against targets such as Peter, »Danes See Greenland Security Risk amid Arctic critical

EU: European Union · 26 September 2024 Latvian

Aarhuške konvencije. Tudi zaradi vojne v Ukrajini danes bistvena elementa človekove varnosti predstavljata

ASI: Adam Smith Institute · 18 September 2024 English

Since 1997, Britain has experienced significant levels of mass migration. In the 25 years leading up to Tony Blair’s election, the UK’s average annual net migration was 68,000. In the …

Thomsen, Immigrants and descendants lag behind ethnic Danes, DR, 2018. 44 L. Casey, The Casey Review: A review

Josep Irla Foundation · 18 September 2024 Catalan

Tenen tres aplicació als governs locals de Cata- La realitat actual fa que els consells lunya» organitzades per la Diputació 11 GENERALITAT DE CATALUNYA, «Decret Legislatiu comarcals exerceixin la primera …

l’olfacte i el tràfi c d’informa- Com el fi lòsof danès del segle XIX membre. ció. Aquests custodis d’informació la identitat a Rubert que li recorda el fi lòsof danès, independència de Catalunya si cal».14 I la independència

UN: The United Nations · 18 September 2024 Spanish

140 p. : graphs, tables

proyectos. Por ejemplo, el Centro PNUMA-Instituto Danés de Hidráulica sobre Agua y Medio Ambiente colabora

UN: The United Nations · 17 September 2024 Spanish

7 p.

obtener más apoyo y cooperación del Gobierno su- danés. Del mismo modo, el país redactor debe respetar

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