
Egyptians are the people originating from the country of Egypt. Egyptian identity is closely tied to geography. The population is concentrated in the lower Nile Valley, a small strip of cultivable land stretching from the First Cataract to the Mediterranean and enclosed by desert both to the east and to the west. This unique geography has been the basis of the development of Egyptian society since antiquity. The daily language of the Egyptians is a continuum of the local varieties of Arabic; the most famous dialect is known as Egyptian Arabic or Masri. Additionally, a sizable minority of Egyptians living …



World Bank Group · 18 July 2024 English

Positioned as the linchpin in Albania’s journey towards a higher income economy and its aspirations for EU accession, the pivotal role of human capital cannot be overstated. However, the country …

Kale, Gypsies, Romanichels, Boyash, Ash- kali, Egyptians, Yenish, Dom, Lom, Rom, Abdal), including travelers World of Work,” February. INSTAT. 2015. “Roma and Egyptians in Albania: A Socio-Demographic and Economic Equality, Inclusion, and Participation of Roma and Egyptians in the Republic of Albania,” Ministry of Health “National Action Plan for Integration of Roma and Egyptians in the Republic of Albania,” Ministry of Health

World Bank Group · 18 July 2024 English

Promoting gender equality and enhancing women’s involvement in the economy are crucial for Serbia’s growth trajectory. It’s vital to actively engage, cultivate, and fully utilize the diverse skills and potential …

Kale, Gypsies, Romanichels, Boyash, Ashkali, Egyptians, Yenish, Dom, Lom, Rom, Abdal), including travelers

World Bank Group · 18 July 2024 English

Promoting gender equality and increasing women’s participation in the economy are vital for North Macedonia’s development. Actively involving and fully utilizing the diverse skills of the population, especially those currently …

Kale, Gypsies, Romanichels, Boyash, Ashkali, Egyptians, Yenish, Dom, Lom, Rom, Abdal), including travelers

World Bank Group · 18 July 2024 English

Fostering gender equality and enabling women’s economic participation is critical for Kosovo’s development trajectory. Actively engaging, nurturing, and optimizing the diverse talents and capabilities of the population, especially of inactive …

Kale, Gypsies, Romanichels, Boyash, Ashkali, Egyptians, Yenish, Dom, Lom, Rom, Abdal), including travelers

World Bank Group · 18 July 2024 English

Montenegro has made significant strides in promoting gender equality since gaining independence. Improving women’s status is crucial for overall societal development, and Montenegro has seen progress in various sectors, including …

Kale, Gypsies, Romanichels, Boyash, Ashkali, Egyptians, Yenish, Dom, Lom, Rom, Abdal), including travelers

CAUS: Centre for Arab Unity Studies · 3 July 2024 English

Historians (Andelman 1997; MacMillan 2003 ; Neiberg 2017) have traced the current security situation to the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the Sykes–Picot Agreement (1916) after World War I, …

Bombs Islamic State Targets in Libya after 21 Egyptians Beheaded.” Reuters February 16 . Accessed April mbs-islamic-state- targets-in-libya-after-21-egyptians-beheaded-idUSKBN0LJ10D20150216 . United Nations ombs-islamic-state-targets-in-libya-after-21-egyptians-beheaded-idUSKBN0LJ10D20150216 https://www.reuters ombs-islamic-state-targets-in-libya-after-21-egyptians-beheaded-idUSKBN0LJ10D20150216 https://www.reuters ombs-islamic-state-targets-in-libya-after-21-egyptians-beheaded-idUSKBN0LJ10D20150216 https://www.un

World Bank Group · 24 June 2024 English

This report provides a high-level assessment of Albania's current water security status and drivers of future change with the aim of highlighting the complex water issues that Albania must tackle …

2016). Minority ethnic groups, which include Egyptians, Greeks, Macedonians, Montenegrin, Roma, and Vlachs

Amnesty International · 18 June 2024 English

Since September 2023, Egypt’s Border Guard Forces and police have carried out mass arbitrary arrests of Sudanese people who fled the ongoing armed conflict in Sudan for irregularly entering or …

migrants who “receive the same basic services as Egyptians”.24 He underscored the importance of receiving

BESA: Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies · 18 June 2024 English

The reason why the PLO’s ten-point plan was considered a political advancement was that for the first time since the adoption of the revised Palestinian treaty of 1968, the activists …

Egyptian auspices. After its dissolution by the Egyptians, Prime Minister Hilmi continued to serve as Palestine's

Brookings Institution · 5 June 2024 English

Last week, Tunisia's president, Kais Saied, made his first trip to China and signed a strategic partnership with President Xi Jinping. The week prior, Saied made headlines for becoming the …

compared to 19% of Iraqis and Lebanese, 23% of Egyptians, and 32% of Sudanese. This pro- Palestinian sentiment

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