Equatorial Guinea

Equatorial Guinea (Spanish: Guinea Ecuatorial; French: Guinée équatoriale; Portuguese: Guiné Equatorial), officially the Republic of Equatorial Guinea (Spanish: República de Guinea Ecuatorial, French: République de Guinée équatoriale, Portuguese: República da Guiné Equatorial), is a country on the west coast of Central Africa, with an area of 28,000 square kilometres (11,000 sq mi). Formerly the colony of Spanish Guinea, its post-independence name evokes its location near both the Equator and the Gulf of Guinea. As of 2021, the country had a population of 1,468,777.Equatorial Guinea consists of two parts, an insular and a mainland region.



Amnesty International English

AFR 24/007/2010 Equatorial Guinea: Concerns about the recent trial of political opponents and Nigerian nationals Amnesty International is calling for the immediate and unconditional release of two members

May 2010 AI index: AFR 24/007/2010 Equatorial Guinea: Concerns about the recent trial of political security of the person and seriously contravenes Equatorial Guinea law which states that all those acquitted Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), to which Equatorial Guinea is a party. Amnesty International considers Nigerians were arrested at sea, apparently in Equatorial Guinea territorial waters, by the Equatorial Guinean trial was violated by the authorities in Equatorial Guinea. The organization calls on the Equatorial

Amnesty International English

to the authorities the transmitting equipment. [...] The absence of an independent media in Equatorial Guinea hampers the development of a human rights culture in the country and contributes to the perpetration perpetration and perpetuation of human rights violations. [...] Amnesty International calls on the Equatorial Guinea authorities to respect, promote and protect the right to freedom of expression and the press

24/011/2008 Date: 22 September 2008 Equatorial Guinea: Opposition under threat Amnesty International International today called on the Government of Equatorial Guinea to respect freedom of expression following The absence of an independent media in Equatorial Guinea hampers the development of a human rights informed. Amnesty International calls on the Equatorial Guinea authorities to respect, promote and protect allied to the ruling Democratic Party of Equatorial Guinea. They accused CPDS of endangering the peace

Amnesty International English

The organization also calls on the government of Equatorial Guinea to end the persecution of political opponents. [...] The government must immediately stop the torture and ill-treatment in custody of

June 2011 AI Index: AFR 24/002/2011 Equatorial Guinea: Prisoners of conscience released Amnesty organization also calls on the government of Equatorial Guinea to end the persecution of political opponents banned political party Progress Party of Equatorial Guinea (Partido del Progreso de Guinea Ecuatorial The organization calls on the government of Equatorial Guinea to investigate the reported torture of the son. Amnesty International urges the Equatorial Guinea government to unconditionally and immediately

SAIIA: South African Institute of International Affairs · 1 August 1985 English

The following review of past and present developments in this small West African state is inspired by recent South African interest manifested in the area. This paper discusses the history …

SAIIA Members only - Not for Publication EQUATORIAL GUINEA The following review of past and present territories in terms of per capita income. Equatorial Guinea had become almost entirely dependent on Spanish independence in 1968* the mainstay of the Equatorial Guinea, economy was cacao (cocoa), exported largely resulting from the economic collapse, compelled Equatorial Guinea to seek assistance wherever available,. from restrictions placed on the convertability of the Equatorial Guinea currency (the epkuele, plural? bipkuele)-

Amnesty International English

ammunition in the boot of a second hand car being exported to Equatorial Guinea from the port of Sagunto in eastern Spain. [...] The Equatorial Guinea government claimed that the weapons were going to be used Spain, on 14 April 2008 on charges of arms trafficking. [...] Saturnino Ncogo Mbomio, who the Equatorial Guinea authorities claimed was to take delivery of the car, was arrested by members of the security

24/003/2008 (Public) Date: 16 April 2008 Equatorial Guinea: Arrests and death in custody of a political the deteriorating human rights situation in Equatorial Guinea, in advance of the parliamentary and municipal banned political party Progress Party of Equatorial Guinea (Partido del Progreso de Guinea Ecuatorial exported to Equatorial Guinea from the port of Sagunto in eastern Spain. The Equatorial Guinea government Malabo. Saturnino Ncogo Mbomio, who the Equatorial Guinea authorities claimed was to take delivery of

Amnesty International English

Amnesty International. [...] AI Index AFR 24/002/2004 Equatorial Guinea: Stop the torture of prisoner of conscience Felipe Ondo Obiang Updated 17 March 2004 This action is now closed Summary Prisoner of

International AI Index AFR 24/002/2004 Equatorial Guinea: Stop the torture of prisoner of conscience

SAIIA: South African Institute of International Affairs · 1 November 2009 English

of eight African oil-rent-dependent states (Angola, Cameroon, Chad, the Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Nigeria and Sudan) are tabulated for comparative analysis. These are followed by several

(Angola, Cameroon, Chad, the Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Nigeria and Sudan) are tabulated 2; Nigeria, 2.2; Republic of Congo, 2.1; Equatorial Guinea, 1.9, Chad, 1.8; and Sudan, 1.8). But are (1999; 2002), Republic of Congo (2004) and Equatorial Guinea (2004). In Nigeria, ‘oil revenue allocation candidate countries: the Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon and Nigeria.57 All four had publicly of the Republic of Congo and Nguema of Equatorial Guinea are corrupt patrimonial autocrats, as was

Amnesty International English

The family of the deceased then made unfounded accusations against Wenceslao Mansogo Alo of mutilating the body. [...] The charges against Wencesalo Mansogo Alo were based on unfounded accusations and …

9 May 2012 Index: AFR 24/006/2012 Equatorial Guinea: unjustified conviction of human rights defender has been concerned that the judiciary in Equatorial Guinea is neither independent nor impartial. According

Amnesty International English

The Equatorial Guinea authorities must ensure the right of the country’s citizens to freely express their views and choices at the polls. [...] Politically Motivated Arrests Since the beginning of the former opposition leader living in exile in Spain. [...] The virtual absence of a free press in Equatorial Guinea inhibits public debate, including in relation to the election.

on Concerns Ahead of the May 26 Vote in Equatorial Guinea 7 May 2013 AI Index: AFR 24/001/2013 rights issues, detailed below. The Equatorial Guinea authorities must ensure the right of the country’s state, according to several sources in Equatorial Guinea who spoke to Amnesty International. All denied The virtual absence of a free press in Equatorial Guinea inhibits public debate, including in relation wish to report on the elections. Access to Equatorial Guinea improved somewhat in 2012 for international

Amnesty International English

AFR 24/006/2010 19 March 2010 Equatorial Guinea: Human Rights Council adopts Universal Periodic Review outcome on Equatorial Guinea: Amnesty International urges action to end torture, secret detention by agents acting behalf of the Equatorial Guinean authorities. [...] According to sources in Equatorial Guinea, the men were taken to the Black Beach prison, in Equatorial Guinea's capital, Malabo, where

Index: AFR 24/006/2010 19 March 2010 Equatorial Guinea: Human Rights Council adopts Universal Periodic Periodic Review outcome on Equatorial Guinea: Amnesty International urges action to end torture, secret transferring them to places of detention in Equatorial Guinea; and  to bring perpetrators of such human authorities. The former soldiers had left Equatorial Guinea in the early 1990s and were living in Benin refugee status. According to sources in Equatorial Guinea, the men were taken to the Black Beach prison

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