
Gelatin or gelatine (from Latin: gelatus meaning "stiff" or "frozen") is a translucent, colorless, flavorless food ingredient, commonly derived from collagen taken from animal body parts. It is brittle when dry and gummy when moist. It may also be referred to as hydrolyzed collagen, collagen hydrolysate, gelatine hydrolysate, hydrolyzed gelatine, and collagen peptides after it has undergone hydrolysis. It is commonly used as a gelling agent in food, beverages, medications, drug and vitamin capsules, photographic films and papers, and cosmetics. Substances containing gelatin or functioning in a similar way are called gelatinous substances. Gelatin is an irreversibly hydrolyzed form of …



EU: European Union · 2 June 2024 English

ammonium chloride; (viii) blood plasma, edible gelatin, protein hydrolysates and their salts, milk protein

EU: European Union · 2 June 2024 English

ammonium chloride; (viii) blood plasma, edible gelatin, protein hydrolysates and their salts, milk protein

CEIP: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace · 30 May 2024 English

China has expanded its presence in the global halal economy, opening new avenues for Sino-Arab cooperation and competition.

or excipients such as halal anticoagulants or gelatin is a major driving force. With its expertise in

EU: European Union · 23 April 2024 English

ammonium chloride; (viii) blood plasma, edible gelatin, protein hydrolysates and their salts, milk protein

EU: European Union · 23 April 2024 English

ammonium chloride; (viii) blood plasma, edible gelatin, protein hydrolysates and their salts, milk protein

EU: European Union · 15 April 2024 English

covered by Article 15, in particular semen, embryos and ova; ▼M30 (b) milk and dairy products, hides and skins, and gelatine point 4; (iii) ‘processed animal protein’ in point 5; (iv) ‘fishmeal’ in point 7; (v) ‘collagen’ in point 11; (vi) ‘gelatine

EU: European Union · 15 April 2024 English

covered by Article 15, in particular semen, embryos and ova; ▼M30 (b) milk and dairy products, hides and skins, and gelatine point 4; (iii) ‘processed animal protein’ in point 5; (iv) ‘fishmeal’ in point 7; (v) ‘collagen’ in point 11; (vi) ‘gelatine

WEF: World Economic Forum · 12 April 2024 English

Investigating Global Aquatic Food Loss and Waste 2 April 2024 Investigating Global Aquatic Food Loss and Waste Foreword Tom Pickerel Alfredo Giron Global Director, Head, Ocean Action Agenda, Ocean Program, …

28, no. 1155, 2023. 66. Lv, L.-C. et al. “Fish gelatin: The novel potential applications”, Journal of

CSPI: Centre for Science in the Public Interest · 29 March 2024 English

Background Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) has a long history of engaging with TTB on this topic, starting in 1972 when CSPI first petitioned the Bureau of …

ingredients, such as albumen (egg white), isinglass (a gelatin from fish), and casein (a milk protein), are derived are ingredients that some people avoid, such as gelatin, which is an animal product, and maltitol, which deficiencies in grape wine; To stabilize wine 51 Gelatin (food grade) To clarify juice or wine 52 Granular

EU: European Union · 21 March 2024 French

écrevisse commune de l’espèce Procambrus clarkii capturée dans des eaux fraîches naturelles lors d’activités de pêche, – la gélatine

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