
Address geocoding, or simply geocoding, is the process of taking a text-based description of a location, such as an address or the name of a place, and returning geographic coordinates, frequently latitude/longitude pair, to identify a location on the Earth's surface. Reverse geocoding, on the other hand, converts geographic coordinates to a description of a location, usually the name of a place or an addressable location. Geocoding relies on a computer representation of address points, the street / road network, together with postal and administrative boundaries. Geocode (verb): provide geographical coordinates corresponding to (a location). Geocode (noun): is a code …



NBER: National Bureau of Economic Research · 4 April 2024 English

via simulation. In addition, we adapt our approach to the commonly used Bayesian Improved Surname Geocoding (BISG) imputation algorithm, where direct bootstrapping is infeasible because the underlying Census

to the commonly used Bayesian Improved Surname Geocoding (BISG) imputation algorithm, where direct bootstrapping to the commonly used Bayesian Improved Surname Geocoding (BISG) imputation algorithm, where direct bootstrapping imputation methods is Bayesian Improved Surname Geocoding (BISG), which imputes an individual’s race based Imputation via Fully Bayesian Improved Surname Geocoding and Name Supplements. Science Advances, 8(49):eadc9824

MALDEF: MALDEF Property Management Corporation · 29 February 2024 English

The number of the applicant’s driver license or nonoperating identification license issued after October 1, 1996 by the department of transportation or 20 the equivalent governmental agency of another state …

unless 24 otherwise noted. 5 Dr. McDonald applied geocoding and surname matching to estimate the percent of

Urban Institute · 29 February 2024 English

This methodological appendix for the data feature "What Would It Take to Get Medication for Opioid Use Disorder to More People in Need?" describes the methodologies used to estimate the …

of OTPs and buprenorphine prescribers using a geocoding tool developed by the Urban Institute’s technology

National Student Clearinghouse Research Center · 23 February 2024 English

institutions prior to the fall of the applicable year, unless the previous enrollment record was before the student turned 18 years old or before the student graduated from high school …

students’ homes in a particular census tract through geocoding. To best approximate socioeconomic origins, we cohort. The inability to geocode (rather than geocoding to a tract without income data) accounts for nearly nearly all of these missing cases. Geocoding non-matches typically arise from issues relating to the neighborhood and household income. In general, geocoding success decreases as maps become older as new TRANSFER & PROGRESS: Fall 2023 February 2024 Geocoding success rates are also correlated with race. Because

World Bank Group · 15 February 2024 English

NG-MINDIVER-136-GO-RFQ / Acquisition, Georeferencing a nd Geocoding of Topographic maps for the country. IDA / 59900 NG-MINDIVER-133911-NC-RF Q / Acquisition, Georeferencin g and Geocoding of Topograp hic maps for the country in th e Nigeria

RAND Corporation · 13 February 2024 English

In considering whether Department of Defense youth programs help bridge the civilian-military divide, the authors survey school leaders to gauge their awareness and perceptions of these programs; review curricula to …

Ruder, and Adam Scherling for their support with geocoding, map generation, data processing, and code syntax

PIK: Potsdam-Institut fur Klimafolgenforschung · 8 February 2024 English

Renewable power generation is the key to decarbonizing the electricity system. Wind power is the fastest-growing renewable source of electricity in the United States. However, expanding wind capacity often faces …

identified by its street address, and we conduct geocoding using the USA Local Composite locator of ArcGis

UNEP FI: United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative · 7 February 2024 English

The former refers to emissions arising throughout the life of the asset by users of the building releasing emissions on-site or by the purchase of heat and electricity (including all …

matched across the two databases. For an example of geocoding using the ADEME database, refer to FBF’s Portfolio

HPA: Water Policy Association · 4 February 2024 English

On the past, negotiations on the issue of the Nile waters always were stuck on the narratives of Cairo’s unwillingness based on its logic of the Nile River water ‘‘historical …

initialised by using Apply Orbit File (AOF) to improve geocoding results. Radiometric calibration was applied next

UHERO: The Economic Research Organization at the University of Hawai'i · 29 January 2024 English

While we analyze the housing market for all of Clark County, the entirety of the BRT system operates within the City of Vancouver (population 191,000), which is the commercial and …

of each observation, we make use of the online geocoding service HERE to convert street addresses to precise

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