
Geriatrics, or geriatric medicine, is a specialty that focuses on health care of elderly people. It aims to promote health by preventing and treating diseases and disabilities in older adults. There is no set age at which patients may be under the care of a geriatrician, or geriatric physician, a physician who specializes in the care of elderly people. Rather, this decision is determined by the individual patient's needs, and the availability of a specialist. It is important to note the difference between geriatrics, the care of aged people, and gerontology, which is the study of the aging process itself. …



ADB: Asian Development Bank · 18 July 2024 English

Unmet healthcare needs reflect a failure of access to healthcare for a particular population group and a failure of the healthcare market.

regarding older adults. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 68, 1143–1149. Fu, X., et al. 2018 healthcare needs of elderly people in Korea. BMC Geriatrics, 18, 1–9. Li, C., Zhou, R., Yao, N., Cornwell experiences: results of a representative survey. BMC Geriatrics, 20, 1–11. Vu, D. H. and Giang, T. L. 2023.

CSEP: Centre for Social and Economic Progress · 16 July 2024 English

Copyright © Khushboo Balani, Alok Kumar Singh and Sandhya Venkateswaran Centre for Social and Economic Progress (CSEP) CSEP Research Foundation 6, Dr Jose P. [...] The Centre for Social and …

specialise in areas like family practice, paediatrics, geriatrics, or mental health. 26 Strengthening Primary Care

ADB: Asian Development Bank · 26 June 2024 English

High levels of social participation and improved functional health are associated with a lower risk of depression among older adults.

Cross-Sectional Analysis. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 89: 104045. Ann, K. S. 2005. Study on the Quality Disability in Aging. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 38(1): 85–99. Bak, S. S., and Kim, K. S. 2010 Cognitive Performance among Elderly in India. BMC Geriatrics 19(1): 1–10. Chatterji, S. et al. 2008. The from the Time Use Pattern of Ageing Adults. BMC Geriatrics 23(1): 718. Kawachi, I., and L. F. Berkman.

ADB: Asian Development Bank · 21 June 2024 English

Rapid demographic changes in Malaysia and Viet Nam could disrupt traditional family support for older people.

People in Nigeria.” Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 79: 1–7. Badrasawi, Manal, Suzana Shahar

Urban Institute · 21 June 2024 English

The Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) provides Medicare and Medicaid services for people aged 55 and older who require a nursing-home level of care but can safely …

Care: Preliminary Data.” Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 63 (3): 578–83. Care for the Elderly.” Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 62 (2): 320–24.

World Bank Group · 20 June 2024 English

The demographic transition accompanied by the epidemiological transition, evidenced by the change in the health profile of the Brazilian population, brings important challenges to the Unified Health System. The accelerated …

hematology, clinical oncology, and advanced geriatrics, as well as transition hospitals and rehabilitation

Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation · 19 June 2024

The ANMF thanks the Department of Health and Aged Care and Allen + Clarke Consulting for the opportunity to provide a submission on the independent evaluation of star ratings in …

care in the United States: 1996 to 2016. BMC Geriatrics 2019; 19(1): 103. 14. Simning A, Orth J, Temkin-Greener

World Bank Group · 17 June 2024 English

services for patients with NCDs, psychiatry, geriatrics, and any other as agreed by the Bank. 28.

World Bank Group · 17 June 2024 English

services for patients with NCDs, psychiatry, geriatrics, and any other as agreed by the Bank. 24.

World Bank Group · 14 June 2024


2008 to 2018: a Decomposition Analysis.” BMC Geriatrics 22:308. Zheng, B. 2019. China Pension Actuarial

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