
Kenaf [etymology: Persian], Hibiscus cannabinus, is a plant in the family Malvaceae also called Deccan hemp and Java jute. Hibiscus cannabinus is in the genus Hibiscus and is native to southern Asia, though its exact origin is unknown. The name also applies to the fibre obtained from this plant. Kenaf is one of the allied fibres of jute and shows similar characteristics.



SEARCA: Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture · 25 June 2024 English

Moreover, SEARCA funded the crafting of the Seed Industry Development Program of the Philippines and collaborated with the Philippine government in formulating the National Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization and Industrialization …

Properties of Cooked 1 October 2019 (F) Rice Affected by Kenaf Seed Addition and Its Impact on Blood Glucose Level Properties of Wooden 1 August 2019 Nor (M) Technology Kenaf/Polyester Reinforced PLA and Design Hybrid Composites Online 22-24 June Participant 2022 Valorization of Kenaf Seed and Its By- Third International 27 June - 1

SEARCA: Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture · 17 May 2024 English

The project aims to strengthen the capacity Policies on Family Farming in Asia and the Pacific, a of the targeted AMS to develop policies and programs collaboration with IFAD and …

2019 – Mohammad Natsir Cooked Rice Affected by Kenaf Seed Addition and its 30 September 2022 Bukitinggi/ MARA/ Malaysia Mechanical Properties of Wooden Kenaf/Polyester 31 August 2022 Reinforced PLA Hybrid Composites

ERIA: Economic Research Institute for ASEAN & East Asia · 7 March 2024 English

ERIA Research Project Report 2023-27

Biofuel Industry Act 2007 (Act 666) • National Kenaf and Tobacco Board Act 2009 (Act 692) • Malaysian (MCB) o Malaysian Pepper Board (MPB) o National Kenaf and Tobacco Board (NKTB) o Malaysian Palm Oil Council

WHO: World Health Organization · 1 January 2024 English

their communities. In 2000, Malaysia introduced kenaf as an alternative to tobacco. The Malaysian government and mechanization support to kenaf growers, which increased the kenaf cul- tivation area to 1364 hectares hectares, with a total of 928 kenaf growers, in 2020.40 Despite these efforts by countries where tobacco

UN: The United Nations · 21 December 2023 French

6 p.Adopted without vote, 49th plenary meeting

telles que le jute, l’abaca, la fibre de coco, le kénaf, le sisal, le chanvre, la ramie et le lin, __________________ avec préoccupation que la production de jute, de kénaf et de fibres apparentées a fortement chuté en 2020

UN: The United Nations · 21 December 2023 English

6 p.Adopted without vote, 49th plenary meeting

natural plant fibres, such as jute, abaca, coir, kenaf, sisal, hemp, ramie and flax, Noting also that was a steep decline in the production of jute, kenaf and allied fibres in 2020 as a result of the impacts

UN: The United Nations · 21 December 2023 Spanish

6 p.Adopted without vote, 49th plenary meeting

conocidas, como el yute, el abacá, el bonote, el kenaf, el sisal, el cáñamo, el ramio y el lino, Observando por el fuerte descenso de la producción de yute, kenaf y fibras afines en 2020 debido a los efectos de

UN: The United Nations · 1 December 2023 Spanish

6 p.

conocidas, como el yute, el abacá, el bonote, el kenaf, el sisal, el cáñamo, el ramio y el lino, Observando por el fuerte descenso de la producción de yute, kenaf y fibras afines en 2020 debido a los efectos de

UN: The United Nations · 1 December 2023 French

6 p.

telles que le jute, l’abaca, la fibre de coco, le kénaf, le sisal, le chanvre, la ramie et le lin, Notant avec préoccupation que la production de jute, de kénaf et de fibres apparentées a fortement chuté en 2020

UN: The United Nations · 1 December 2023 English

6 p.

natural plant fibres, such as jute, abaca, coir, kenaf, sisal, hemp, ramie and flax, Noting also that was a steep decline in the production of jute, kenaf and allied fibres in 2020 as a result of the impacts

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