
Laissez-faire (; French: [lɛsefɛʁ] (listen); from French: laissez faire, lit. 'let do') is an economic system in which transactions between private groups of people are free from or almost free from any form of economic interventionism such as regulation and subsidies. As a system of thought, laissez-faire rests on the axioms that the individual is the basic unit in society and has a natural right to freedom; that the physical order of nature is a harmonious and self-regulating system; and that corporations are creatures of the state and therefore the citizens must watch them closely due to their propensity to …



CEIP: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace · 17 July 2024 English

Faith in hyper-globalization has collapsed, but what new narrative and institutions will succeed it? A look at the past provides hints of what is to come.

abandoned government controls, and embraced a laissez-faire approach in the early 1920s against the backdrop

IDEAS: Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs · 12 July 2024 English

The subsequent pandemic, the supply chain bottlenecks that followed, as well as the impact of the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East, have almost entirely upended our traditional understanding …

thinking has moved away from the traditional laissez-faire approach that allowed the private sector to

NBER: National Bureau of Economic Research · 11 July 2024 English

The vast majority of U.S. inventors work for firms that also have inventors and plants in other tech clusters. Using merged USPTO–U.S. Census Bureau plant-level data, we show that larger …

(i.e., 𝑡𝑛𝐽 ≡ 1 ∀𝑛𝐽) is referred to as Laissez-faire equilibrium. Lemma 1. Let J ≡ max |𝐽 | denote arise in a Laissez-faire equilibrium. 6.2 Equilibrium Sources of Inefciencies. The Laissez-faire equilibrium

Urban Institute · 26 June 2024 English

Both government-sponsored enterprises, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, have invested a lot of time and effort producing their Equitable Housing Finance Plans (EHFPs). These plans are designed to increase accessible, …

accept a significant part of the blame here. Its laissez faire approach to the EHFP performance requirements

ADB: Asian Development Bank · 22 June 2024 English

Parents can play a crucial role in their children’s learning, especially when children are out of school or when school is closed.

expectations, and permissive parents adopt a laissez-faire approach to supervision. Although past research

EU: European Union · 21 June 2024 English

Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies are one of the most disruptive general purpose applications at the service of research and innovation. It acts as a catalyst for scientific breakthroughs and is …

evolving, however. While the US initially took a laissez-faire approach to AI, calls for regulation have recently

Brookings Institution · 20 June 2024 English

In a report published in 2022, the Department of Defense argued, "Since the 1990s, the defense sector has consolidated substantially, transitioning from 51 to 5 aerospace and defense prime contractors." …

broadest sense, it seems safe to say that a laissez-faire attitude on the part of the U.S. government

Cato Institute · 20 June 2024 English

That's about as sophisticated an economic analysis as you might expect from Hollywood. However, social media and the social sciences rarely rise above comic book level. Over the years, I …

if they try to sell the surplus. If this is laissez‐ faire, I’d hate to see a Soviet five‐ year plan.

IDEAS: Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs · 14 June 2024 English

chain bottlenecks that followed, as well as the impact of the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle The economic impact of the semiconductor East, have almost entirely upended our traditional …

significant hurdles. While policymakers advocate for laissez-faire approach and towards interventionist interventionist

NBER: National Bureau of Economic Research · 13 June 2024 English

This paper investigates the importance of the age composition for pandemic policy design. To do so, it introduces an economic framework with age heterogeneity, individual choice, and incomplete information, emphasizing …

Voluntary behavior alone is important. In a laissez- faire no-lockdown equilibrium, older individuals productivity activity. The death toll in this laissez-faire world is 65% lower than in the epidemiological intentional, driven by endogenous behavior. In the laissez-faire no- lockdown equilibrium, the young tend to two reasons, column (3) shows results for a laissez-faire equilibrium without any lock- down, so that Partial eq., young Partial eq., old Laissez-faire, young Laissez-faire, old Figure 6: Infections and Testing

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