
Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD; also magneto-fluid dynamics or hydro­magnetics) is the study of the magnetic properties and behaviour of electrically conducting fluids. Examples of such magneto­fluids include plasmas, liquid metals, salt water, and electrolytes. The word "magneto­hydro­dynamics" is derived from magneto- meaning magnetic field, hydro- meaning water, and dynamics meaning movement. The field of MHD was initiated by Hannes Alfvén, for which he received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1970. The fundamental concept behind MHD is that magnetic fields can induce currents in a moving conductive fluid, which in turn polarizes the fluid and reciprocally changes the magnetic field itself. The …



Defence Science Institute · 2024 English

include, but are certainly not limited to: magnetohydrodynamics; the control ofCurrent Research Topics for

Wilton E. Scott Institute for Energy Innovation · 2024 English

Ideal Magnetohydrodynamics and Field Dislocation Mechanics Amit Acharya∗ This paper is dedicated to Professor exact analogy with the equations of ideal magnetohydrodynamics (ideal MHD) under suitable physically simplifying AS23]. In this paper, an analogy with ideal magnetohydrodynamics is established in Sec. 2, and some ideas

APS: American Physical Society · 2023 English

are described well by a 3D fluid theory: magnetohydrodynamics. That condition prevails in the interiors J. F. Drake et al., “Whistler-regulated magnetohydrodynamics: Transport equations for electron thermal

APS: American Physical Society · 2023 English

rate is ∼4 times slower; comparing with magnetohydrodynamics our rate is ∼3 times faster. Given the ambiguities classical simulations and expected rate from magnetohydrodynamics [20,21]. The shown rate is computed at T

APS: American Physical Society · 2023 English

10785. [59] M. Obergaulinger, Astrophysical magnetohydrodynamics and radiative transfer: Numerical methods

APS: American Physical Society · 2023 English

setup.—We employ a neu- trino-radiation magnetohydrodynamics code in numerical relativity [86] for the to evolve the equations for relativistic magnetohydrodynamics. The neutrino- radiation field is solved

APS: American Physical Society · 2023 English

Anomalous magnetohydrodynamics with temperature-dependent electric conductivity and application to the solutions of the relativistic anomalous magnetohydrodynamics with longitudinal Bjorken boost invariance the fluid four-velocity uμ. II. ANOMALOUS MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS In this section, we give a brief review velocity, i.e., Δμα∂νTμν ¼ 0, gives, ANOMALOUS MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS WITH … PHYS. REV. D 107, 096010 (2023) 096010-3 zðτÞc2s=ð1þc2sÞ: ð37Þ and, from Eq. (15), ANOMALOUS MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS WITH … PHYS. REV. D 107, 096010 (2023) 096010-5

APS: American Physical Society · 2023 English

results of numerical simulations of the chiral magnetohydrodynamics including the effective CME in Refs. [19

APS: American Physical Society · 2023 English

Ryutov, Exploring astrophysics-relevant magnetohydrodynamics with pulsed- power laboratory facilities

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