
Mali (French pronunciation: ​[mali]), officially the Republic of Mali, is a landlocked country in West Africa. Mali is the eighth-largest country in Africa, with an area of over 1,240,000 square kilometres (480,000 sq mi). The population of Mali is 21.9 million.



SUN: Scaling Up Nutrition · 30 April 2019 English

which the SUN Movement seeks to catalyze change and deliver nutrition impact. [...] Based on the data, Mali is progressing relatively well with strong Joined the SUN Movement in 2011 performance in the enabling Framework and Lists of Indicators, including definitions and data sources, is available at . [...] Mali Enabling Environment As stakeholders from different sectors come together to build an enabling environment

COUNTRY DASHBOARD 2018 Mali The Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability PROGRESS FOR MALI 73% 58% 50% 83% 52% 44% 55% 45% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Median for SUN countries Mali Data Data for Mali are available for 77/85 (91%) MEAL indicators, with most covering the timeframe 2015-2018. Based on the data, Mali is progressing relatively well with strong Joined the SUN Movement in 2011 performance based on data availability. Mali Enabling Environment As stakeholders from different

Amnesty International English

January 2013 Mali experts available for interview Amnesty International researchers Salvatore Sagues and Gaëtan Mootoo are available for interview about the human rights situation in Mali. [...] Gaëtan Gaëtan was on the ground in Mali late last year conducting research and the team continue to monitor the situation closely. [...] Possible talking points: Risk of further human rights abuses through indiscriminate further information on Amnesty International’s concerns, please see the following briefing entitled: Mali: Civilians bear the brunt of the conflict b5c1-4362-b43a-5a0668bebf21/afr370072012en.pdf

index: AFR 37/001/2013 14 January 2013 Mali experts available for interview Amnesty International the human rights situation in Mali. Gaëtan was on the ground in Mali late last year conducting research concerns, please see the following briefing entitled: Mali: Civilians bear the brunt of the conflict http://www

CIDP: Centre for International and Defense Policy · 19 November 2018 English

Private schooling is beyond the reach of many, as costs may exceed $600 annually, which is more than half of Mali’s average yearly salary.8 Jihadist hostility towards the secular education system, seen

November 2018 Volume 4, Issue 5 RADICALIZATION IN MALI - A Primer Robert Martyn, PhD CIDP Fellow Mali’s extremism. Rather there are a number of interlinking Mali. This will allow for a more reasoned understanding as inequality, exclusion, marginalization, and 5 Mali is a multi-ethnic, overwhelmingly Muslim society fill “governance gaps,” and beliefs. In its past, Mali was a highly developed centre of including social support and higher learning and regional trade, yet Mali is currently manipulate people. Extremists habitually

SOLIDAR: Advancing Social Justice in Europe and Worldwide · 26 January 2021 English

in the village of Diéoura in the south western part of the Circle of Diéma in the Kayes region of Mali. [...] CONCLUSIONS BUILDING AN ENABLING The promotion of Economic and Social Rights and of a favourable

ECONOMIC & SOCIAL RIGHTS REPORT MALI SUMMARY How can the European Union (EU) better contribute to building space for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Mali? How structured around two priority axes: can the The SOLIDAR Network is active on these themes in Mali through its member and partner organisations. During current situation of Economic and Social Rights in Mali, as well as define the modalities of a solid partnership EU and CSOs in the promotion of these rights. 2 MALI | Economic and Social Rights Report https://www

ACAPS · 13 October 2016 English

“deflooding” in the Inner Niger Delta, developed by the Malian government and Wetlands The northern Mali region is unstable, and there has been a recent surge in violence. [...] between non-government armed

ACAPS Anticipatory Briefing Note: Flooding in Mali Anticipatory Briefing Note – 10 October 2016 The floods some 9,500–15,000 people across Mali, including the regions of Sikasso, MALI Koulikoro, Segou, Mopti, Timbuktu org/ ACAPS Anticipatory Briefing Note: Flooding in Mali Crisis impact Vulnerable groups affected Heavy seasonal high level of flooding this year will states in Mali, including Sikasso, Kolikoro, Segou, Mopti, Timbuktu indicate that Mali has not seen the worst of the flooding yet. A forecast suggests that Mali´s Inner Niger

ILO: International Labour Organisation · 26 September 2002 English

One of the main impacts of the mutual health organizations (MHOs) to the economic crisis of the 1970s and 1980s on the financing of, delivery of, and access to health …

ILOnewtxtA.p65 Afou and Aramatu Koné Dyou, Mali THE CONTRIBUTION OF MUTUAL HEALTH ORGANIZATIONS TO FINANCING Methodological guidelines Country case studies (Mali, Benin, Ghana, Nigeria, Senegal) Inventory of 50 Belgique, who carried out the case study work for Mali; François Diop, who did the Benin case study work; neither exhaustive nor financed by sponsorship); Mali (MUTEC Health Centre, which systematic, as they and decentralization and faced with the union in Mali in 1987, is an example of a task of raising some

GREAT: Groupe de Recherche en Economie Appliquee et Theorique · 13 April 2020 English

The Open Budget Survey (OBS) is the world’s only independent, comparative and fact-based research instrument that uses internationally accepted criteria to assess public access to central government budget information; Public …

Mali 2019 Overview About the survey Government budget decisions – what taxes to levy, what services to on the budget. Mali has a transparency score of 38 (out of 100). Transparency in Mali compared to others Average 45 74 of 117 countries Benin 49 Senegal 46 Mali 38 Côte d'Ivoire 34 Dem. Rep. of Congo 33 Burkina 100 2019 2/10 How has the transparency score for Mali changed over time? 100 61 46 43 39 38 35 0 2010 2019 Public availability of budget documents in Mali Available to the Public Document 2010 2012 2015

SUN: Scaling Up Nutrition · 3 October 2012 English

The PNDN foresees the creation of the National Nutrition Development Council (CNDN), which will meet annually and will be attended by ministries involved in nutrition, the Food Security Commission, local …

MALI MALI SUN Country Summary | September 2012 Mali joined the SUN Movement March 2011 "Les pratiques -Monsieur Soumana MAKADJI, Ministre de la Santé du Mali Lancement de la Semaine Mondiale de l’Allaitement MEASURING PROGRESS IN MALI Indicator 1 Indicator 2 Indicator 3 Indicator 4 MALI Indicator 1: Bringing space for action (the multi-stakeholder platform) Mali is currently in the process of adopting a multisectorial multi-stakeholder platform is presently not yet constituted in Mali. The PNDN foresees the creation of the National

CIVIC: Center for Civilians in Conflict · 6 August 2015 English

The report, which contains detailed recommendations regarding actions that should be taken by all parties to the conflict, is available in English at of-malis-three-year-c.

Civilian Impact of Mali 3-Year Conflict_ PR   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For further information, contact: peacekeeping, including the UN and French forces in Mali, need to adopt robust policies, practices, and tools abandoned by the State, civilians across northern Mali have overwhelmingly rejected violence, including CIVIC conducted extensive original research across Mali, interviewing civilians affected by the conflict Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (known by the French acronym MINUSMA). The report

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