Maori Language

Māori (; Māori pronunciation: [ˈmaːɔɾi] listen), also known as te reo ('the language'), is an Eastern Polynesian language spoken by the Māori people, the indigenous population of New Zealand. Closely related to Cook Islands Māori, Tuamotuan, and Tahitian, it gained recognition as one of New Zealand's official languages in 1987. The number of speakers of the language has declined sharply since 1945, but a Māori-language revitalisation effort slowed the decline, and the language has experienced a revival, particularly since about 2015.The 2013 New Zealand census reported that about 149,000 people, or 3.7% of the New Zealand population, could hold a …



CDT: Center for Democracy and Technology · 15 May 2024 English

Demographic measurement; AI; fairness; equity

(April 2021), AI Governance Lab https://partnershiponai cc/X4HR-R7EE 106 | Navigating Demographic Measurement

Reconciliation Australia · 1 May 2024 English

First Nations businesses that, through their effective year – AIATSIS’ sixtieth – will gather to demonstrate governance models, make the Summit is convened in The theme for NAIDOC the success …

all of you – our supporters, allies, that the Maori language is limited, or opportunity to make a difference

Autism CRC · 28 March 2024 English

Based on international approaches and current community engagement we aim to understand the importance of a national autism strategy and other forms of accountability to ensure inclusion and the provision …

diversity, ā-io = of the nerves Te reo Māori (Māori language) and mātauranga Māori (Māori knowledge) shape

UN: The United Nations · 18 March 2024 English

21 p.

electoral system will be considered. Māori language revitalisation 78. The Government is committed protect, promote and revitalise te reo Māori, the Māori language. The Māori side of the partnership is led established under Te Ture mō Te Reo Māori (the Māori Language Act 2016) to act on behalf of Māori. 79. curriculum subjects in the Māori language at least 51% of the time, using the Māori language curriculum. Schools use the New Zealand Curriculum. 137. The Māori Language Curriculum is being redesigned to provide Māori

Autism CRC · 15 March 2024

Thank you to the autistic individuals, parents of autistic children, family/whānau, professionals, and researchers who completed the survey and shared their experiences of the autism support system in Aotearoa and …

Māori (Māori knowledge) including te reo Māori (Māori language) and tikanga Māori (Māori customs and protocols)

InternetNZ · 2 February 2024

8.2 Board’s right to refuse registration of transfer 8.2.1 The Board may, within 30 Working Days of the receipt of a transfer of shares, refuse or delay the registration of …

Technical Community / Internet Community ● Māori language revitalization and retention ● Strengthening

Ada Lovelace Institute · 18 January 2024

Our 2023 evidence review, ‘What do the public think about AI?’, synthesises public attitudes toward AI from a range of studies, and finds that the public want to have a …

annotated 300 hours of audio data of the Te Reo Māori language to translate into tools such as speech-to-text | WIRED UK’ accessed 25 July 2023. 60 ‘Resources’

Lowitja Institute · 18 January 2024 English

Collective When referring to the First The Maiam nayri Wingara Indigenous Data Sovereignty Collective (Maiam Peoples of the lands and waters nayri Wingara) is a collective of Aboriginal and Torres …

Keegan & M. Apperley (eds), He Whare Hangarau Māori: Language, culture & technology, Te Pua Wānanga ki te

UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation · 2024 English

Member Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori - The Māori Language Commission, New Zealand Ms Rawinia Higgins

CCRC: Criminal Cases Review Commission · 2024 English

guidelines for Te Kāhui. • Completion of a Māori Language Plan and incorporation of te reo Māori in our

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