
Montserrat ( MONT-sə-RAT) is a British Overseas Territory (BOT) in the Caribbean. The island is in the Leeward Islands, which is part of the chain known as the Lesser Antilles, in the West Indies. Montserrat measures approximately 16 km (10 mi) in length and 11 km (7 mi) in width, with approximately 40 km (25 mi) of coastline. Montserrat is nicknamed "The Emerald Isle of the Caribbean" both for its resemblance to coastal Ireland and for the Irish ancestry of many of its inhabitants. Montserrat is the only non-fully sovereign full member of the Caribbean Community and the Organisation of …



EU: European Union · 29 August 2024 English

EN Molnár Csaba, Monteiro de Aguiar Cláudia, Montserrat Dolors, Morano Nadine, Moreno Sánchez Javier Meimarakis, Millán Mon, Monteiro de Aguiar, Montserrat, Mortler, Motreanu, Mureșan, Nistor, Novak, Meimarakis, Melbārde, Millán Mon, Monteiro de Aguiar, Montserrat, Morano, Mortler, Motreanu, Mureșan, Niedermayer Melbārde, Melo, Millán Mon, Monteiro de Aguiar, Montserrat, Morano, Mortler, Motreanu, Mureșan, Niedermayer

EU: European Union · 29 August 2024 English

the provisions of the rules on conduct), Dolors Montserrat, Matjaž Nemec, Barry Andrews, François-Xavier resolution tabled under Rule 227(2), by Dolors Montserrat, on behalf of the PETI Committee, on harmo- nising resolution tabled under Rule 227(2), by Dolors Montserrat, on behalf of the PETI Committee, on standar- Silvia, Molnár Csaba, Monteiro de Aguiar Cláudia, Montserrat Dolors, Morano Nadine, Moreno Sánchez Javier Melbārde, Melo, Millán Mon, Monteiro de Aguiar, Montserrat, Morano, Mortler, Motreanu, Mureșan, Niedermayer

EU: European Union · 29 August 2024 English

Silvia, Molnár Csaba, Monteiro de Aguiar Cláudia, Montserrat Dolors, Morano Nadine, Moreno Sánchez Javier

World Bank Group · 29 August 2024 English

In the wake of COVID-19, tourism on Bonaire is showing signs of rapid and near-complete recovery. At the same time, the population has continued to grow significantly. In 2019 and …

Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Montserrat, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent

EU: European Union · 29 August 2024 English

Nikolaou-Alavanos, Alexander Bernhuber, Milan Brglez, Dolors Montserrat, Tudor Ciuhodaru, Beatrice Covassi and Kathleen Melbārde, Melo, Millán Mon, Monteiro de Aguiar, Montserrat, Morano, Mortler, Motreanu, Mureșan, Niebler Silvia, Molnár Csaba, Monteiro de Aguiar Cláudia, Montserrat Dolors, Moreno Sánchez Javier, Moretti Alessandra Melbārde, Melo, Millán Mon, Monteiro de Aguiar, Montserrat, Morano, Mortler, Motreanu, Mureșan, Niebler Melbārde, Melo, Millán Mon, Monteiro de Aguiar, Montserrat, Morano, Mortler, Motreanu, Mureșan, Niebler

EU: European Union · 28 August 2024 Spanish

że czynią wiele dla naszego zdrowia. Dolors Montserrat (PPE). – Señor presidente, señorías, la defensa

EU: European Union · 27 August 2024 English

sempre por defender a Alemanha, estranho! Dolors Montserrat (PPE). – Señora presidenta, el Partido Popular

EU: European Union · 23 August 2024 Italian

essere la nostra unica preoccupazione. Dolors Montserrat (PPE). – Señora presidenta, la COVID-19 por desgracia

EU: European Union · 21 August 2024 English

ES000000000000950 950 Kao Corporation, S.A.U. (Olesa de Montserrat) Kao Corporation, S.A.U. 5 388 5 250 5 111 0

EU: European Union · 20 August 2024 English

συμβάλλουν στην αντιμετώπιση της νόσου. Dolors Montserrat (PPE). – Señora presidenta, hace un año del inicio

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