
Sesame ( or ; Sesamum indicum) is a flowering plant in the genus Sesamum, also called benne. Numerous wild relatives occur in Africa and a smaller number in India. It is widely naturalized in tropical regions around the world and is cultivated for its edible seeds, which grow in pods. World production in 2018 was 6 million tonnes, with Sudan, Myanmar, and India as the largest producers.Sesame seed is one of the oldest oilseed crops known, domesticated well over 3000 years ago. Sesamum has many other species, most being wild and native to sub-Saharan Africa. S. indicum, the cultivated type, …



ICRIER: Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations · 19 April 2024 English

As applied nutrients, leads to nutrient per the latest estimates, about 1/3rd of the mining, i.e., depletion of the organic total land area and about 1/5th of the matter in …

wheat was much oilseed crops, such as mustard, sesame, higher (21,243 ha) (Figure 4.1). Rice and etc

IPAR: Agricultural and Rural Foresight Initiative Senegal · 17 April 2024 French

L’objectif global de cette étude est de contribuer à l’amélioration de la productivité agricole des terres salées par la promotion de pratiques agro- écologiques et de systèmes de cultures adaptées …

(mil- niébé, arachide-niébé, arachide-gombo, mil-sésame). Des visites aux champs et des ateliers d’animation techniques telles que l’association arachide-niébé, mil-sésame, Niébé-Cassia nigricans, etc. De bons résultats

World Bank Group · 16 April 2024 French

In Burkina Faso, agriculture is the primary source of employment for the population, but it faces challenges due to low productivity and poor water management, exacerbated by the adverse effects …

neuses et oléagineuses (arachide, niébé, soja et sésame). Il permet d’éviter la suppression de l’appui-conseil sorgho et les cultures de rente (niébé, arachide, sésame et soja) ont été faiblement pris en compte, avec maïs), les légumineuses (niébé), les oléagineux (sésame, arachides) et le coton qui occupent une place ministère, ainsi que les appuis aux filières coton, sésame, karité, anacarde et maïs, qui relèvent du projet

World Bank Group · 16 April 2024 French

In Burkina Faso, agriculture is the primary source of employment for the population, but it faces challenges due to low productivity and poor water management, exacerbated by the adverse effects …

neuses et oléagineuses (arachide, niébé, soja et sésame). Il permet d’éviter la suppression de l’appui-conseil sorgho et les cultures de rente (niébé, arachide, sésame et soja) ont été faiblement pris en compte, avec maïs), les légumineuses (niébé), les oléagineux (sésame, arachides) et le coton qui occupent une place ministère, ainsi que les appuis aux filières coton, sésame, karité, anacarde et maïs, qui relèvent du projet

World Bank Group · 16 April 2024 English

In Burkina Faso, agriculture is the primary source of employment for the population, but it faces challenges due to low productivity and poor water management, exacerbated by the adverse effects …

legumes and oilseeds (peanut, cow- pea, soybean, and sesame). This system allows for the continuation of the millet and sorghum and cash crops (cowpea, peanut, sesame, and soy) were insufficiently covered, with respective corn), along with legumes (cowpea), oilseeds (sesame, pea- nuts), and cotton, which holds a significant as well as expenditures to support the cotton, sesame, shea, cashew, and corn sectors, which fall under development of other export-oriented sectors like sesame, shea, cashew, and mango falls under the responsibility

World Bank Group · 16 April 2024 English

In Burkina Faso, agriculture is the primary source of employment for the population, but it faces challenges due to low productivity and poor water management, exacerbated by the adverse effects …

legumes and oilseeds (peanut, cow- pea, soybean, and sesame). This system allows for the continuation of the millet and sorghum and cash crops (cowpea, peanut, sesame, and soy) were insufficiently covered, with respective corn), along with legumes (cowpea), oilseeds (sesame, pea- nuts), and cotton, which holds a significant as well as expenditures to support the cotton, sesame, shea, cashew, and corn sectors, which fall under development of other export-oriented sectors like sesame, shea, cashew, and mango falls under the responsibility

World Bank Group · 12 April 2024 French

quelques protéagineux (le niébé, l’arachide, le sésame et le voandzou), elle est dominée par la culture exception of a few protein crops (cowpea, groundnut, sesame and voandzou), it is dominated by the cultivation

World Bank Group · 12 April 2024 French

des matières premières notamment la tomate, le sésame et le coton. Plan d’Action de Réinstallation 141840 14,18 Riz 1157 354 409578 40,96 Sésame 700 800 560000 56 Source : DPARAH Gourma/

World Bank Group · 12 April 2024 French

villa ges partenaires des Micropr ojet (Fonio, Sésame, Niébé, échalotte) IDA / 62830 Improving the productivity

World Bank Group · 12 April 2024 French

le coton (faiblement cultivé à Bilanga) et le sésame au niveau des cultures de rentes. L’élevage occupe cowpea, cotton (sparsely grown in Bilanga) and sesame as cash crops. Breeding occupies a place of choice

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