Tax Havens

A tax haven is a country or place with very low "effective" rates of taxation for foreign investors ("headline" rates may be higher). In some traditional definitions, a tax haven also offers financial secrecy. However, while countries with high levels of secrecy but also high rates of taxation (e.g. the United States and Germany in the Financial Secrecy Index ("FSI") rankings) can feature in some tax haven lists, they are not universally considered as tax havens. In contrast, countries with lower levels of secrecy but also low "effective" rates of taxation (e.g. Ireland in the FSI rankings), appear in most …



NBER: National Bureau of Economic Research · 11 July 2024 English

We assess the business provisions of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the biggest corporate tax cut in US history. We draw five lessons. First, corporate tax revenue fell …

incentive for firms to report all their profits in tax havens, the reform introduced a tax on Global Intangible

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 4 July 2024 English

Guyana bursts into the IMF’s 2024 top ten of countries by GDP per capita (PPP). Most are tax havens or oil states (as is Guyana). Singapore, Switzerland, and the USA are the only real economies out of

G20: Group of 20 · 25 June 2024 English

Commissioned by the G20, this report presents a proposal for an internationally coordinated standard ensuring an effective taxation of ultra-high-net-worth individuals. In the baseline proposal, individuals with more than $1 …

equivalent of 10% of world GDP in financial wealth in tax havens globally, the bulk of which was undeclared to

AU: African Union · 23 June 2024 English

In May 2022, the African Ministers of Finance, Planning, and Economic Development adopted a resolution calling on the UN to start negotiations towards an international convention on tax matters under …

burdens or jurisdictions known for harbouring tax havens. Tracing, freezing, confiscating, and returning

ISET-PI: Iset Policy Institute · 21 June 2024

In summary, even if the stated intent behind Georgia’s tax code amendments is to boost foreign direct investment, the associated risks and negative perceptions far outweigh the potential benefits, and …

amendment incentivizes the relocation of assets from tax havens into Georgia. An analysis of the foreign direct that incentivize the relocation of assets from tax havens to Georgia lack credible mechanisms for monitoring evasion (Sharman, 2010). Offshore centers and tax havens have historically been evaluated through various like Oxfam, began targeting offshore finance and tax havens. Through strategies like ‘naming and shaming’ eliminate the advantages of hiding profits within tax havens and to discourage countries from acting as tax

EU: European Union · 20 June 2024 Italian

important reason is that we have our own European tax havens – such as the UK, the Netherlands, Malta, Luxembourg evidence that at least five EU Member States are tax havens in everything but name, damaging other Members Netherlands, Cyprus and Malta EU tax havens. We are already listing tax havens outside the European Union; consistent and credible that we also label the tax havens inside the European Union. Therefore, let's planning or schemes that straightaway make them tax havens on a race to the bottom when it comes to corporate

SDSN: Sustainable Development Solutions Network · 17 June 2024 English

Since 2016, the global edition of the Sustainable Development Report (SDR) has provided the most up-to-date data to track and rank the performance of all UN member states on the …

waste, illicit trade, unfair tax competition, tax havens and, more generally, poor implementation of indicators related to unfair tax competition, tax havens, and the profit shifting of multinationals,

EU: European Union · 14 June 2024 English

zero taxes and the super-rich hide billions in tax havens? This system is broken. Our societies are in

EU: European Union · 14 June 2024 Italian

left at risk of becoming an offshore island for tax havens. We have a fraud epidemic already in the UK

World Bank Group · 14 June 2024 English

The objective of this desktop study is to enhance the overall implementation of the international standards in the region and gain a better understanding of their technical assistance needs. This …

those subject to sanctions or identified as tax havens/offshore centers.51 Tax consequences Countries

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