
Unicode is an information technology standard for the consistent encoding, representation, and handling of text expressed in most of the world's writing systems. The standard is maintained by the Unicode Consortium, and as of March 2020, it has a total of 143,859 characters, with Unicode 13.0 (these characters consist of 143,696 graphic characters and 163 format characters) covering 154 modern and historic scripts, as well as multiple symbol sets and emoji. The character repertoire of the Unicode Standard is synchronized with ISO/IEC 10646, each being code-for-code identical with the other. The Unicode Standard consists of a set of code charts …



CBA: Canadian Bar Association · 13 February 2024 French

Les établissements d’enseignement educate all staff and faculty on trans juridique devraient éduquer tous les identities and ensure that trans membres du personnel et du corps students, staff and faculty …

systems to Unicode so • Mettre à jour leurs systèmes à identity documents and other Unicode afin de produire

WIPO: World Intellectual Property Organization · 30 January 2024 English

Recommended Standard for the presentation of nucleotide and amino acid sequence listings using XML (eXtensible Markup Language)

(XML file) Annex IV - Character Subset from the Unicode Basic Latin Code Table for Use in an XML Instance within one file. The file must be encoded using Unicode UTF-8, with the following restrictions: (a) the of any valid Unicode characters indicated in the XML 1.0 specification except the Unicode Control code 007F-009F. The reserved characters “, &, ‘, <, and > (Unicode code points 0022, 0026, 0027, 003C and 003E respectively) space character) from the Unicode Basic Latin code table (i.e., limited to Unicode code points 0020 through

Australian Energy Market Operator · 18 January 2024 English

1.1 Purpose This document describes in detail the data items required to be transferred between the external interfaces of the Gas Retail Market System (GRMS) and the market participants of …

file should use the ASCII 7-bit character set (unicode). Schema Validation Message handshaking only takes

UN: The United Nations · 2024 English

33 p.This paper, prepared by UN Women in collaboration with the Action Coalition on Innovation and Technology for Gender Equality, aims to help governments, policymakers, multilateral organizations, the private sector, …

there being over 7,000 spoken languages worldwide, Unicode – the standard for text and emoticons – only supports

RAND Corporation · 11 December 2023 English

This report is the technical documentation for the China's AI Exports Database, a tool that tracks Chinese government–supported development finance projects that used or enabled artificial intelligence technology in the …

are involved, the entries are pipe-delimited Unicode string delimited by a pipe “|” character. Receiving

WIPO: World Intellectual Property Organization · 14 November 2023 Russian


all of them. 1 UTF-8 is an encoding system for Unicode. CWS/11/23 Приложение, стр. 4 19. IPOs may designate

WIPO: World Intellectual Property Organization · 14 November 2023 Spanish


depurados. 1UTF-8 es un sistema de codificación de Unicode. CWS/11/23 Anexo, página 4 18. Las Oficinas de

WIPO: World Intellectual Property Organization · 14 November 2023 French

Proposition Relative aux Principes Directeurs concernant le Nettoyage des Données des Noms

intellectuelle. 1 UTF-8 est un système de codage pour Unicode. CWS/11/23 Annexe, page 4 MAINTENANCE 17. Les offices

WIPO: World Intellectual Property Organization · 14 November 2023 Chinese


all of them. 1 UTF-8 is an encoding system for Unicode. 附件第 4页 19. IPOs may designate someone to be responsible

WIPO: World Intellectual Property Organization · 8 November 2023 English

You can change the language of the converter interface to any of the languages of publication by clicking the language dropdown menu in the top right-hand corner of the page …

document should be drafted using any Unicode font, preferably: - Unicode Arial MS; - MS-Gothic; - MS-Simsun;

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