
A veto (Latin for "I forbid") is the power (used by an officer of the state, for example) to unilaterally stop an official action, especially the enactment of legislation. A veto can be absolute, as for instance in the United Nations Security Council, whose permanent members (China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States) can block any resolution, or it can be limited, as in the legislative process of the United States, where a two-thirds vote in both the House and Senate will override a presidential veto of legislation. A veto may give power only to stop changes …



NITI Aayog: National Institution for Transforming India (NITI Aayog) · 22 July 2024 English

The economic reforms under way and the economic & institutional reforms on the agenda for the next few years, will sustain growth of per capita GDP at 7% during the …

second pillar is a competitive economy, without veto power by oligopolists also plays a role in fructification

EPRS: European Parliamentary Research Service · 17 July 2024 Italian

Questo studio fa parte di un progetto più ampio, il cui scopo è quello di analizzare, nella prospettiva del diritto comparato, la libertà d'impresa in diversi ordinamenti giuridici. Dopo una …

sostanziano principalmente nella facoltà di porre il veto rispetto all’adozione di delibere, atti e operazioni

World Bank Group · 16 July 2024 English

Teachers are one of the most important inputs for learning, but in many low-income countries they are poorly distributed between schools. This paper discusses the case of Malawi, which has …

India, elected representatives have formal right of veto over teacher movements which can interfere with

CEIP: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace · 15 July 2024 English

enable the body to meet the challenges of the moment when the Security Council is paralyzed by the veto.

United States’ and Russia’s repeated exercise of the veto power held by them as two of the council’s �ve permanent have been calls for reform to the UN and the P5 veto power for as long as the organization has existed reform-by-amendment e�orts are caught in a vise: the P5 veto paralyzes the council and necessitates reform, but nonamendment reforms are not hostage to the P5 veto, and they can be used to respond to global crises mid-twentieth century. But this reform le� the P5’s veto power untouched. COMMENTARY How to Reform the UN

BESA: Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies · 7 July 2024 English

An accurate understanding of the nature of the expected war and the appropriate organization of the IDF in preparation for it led to the defeat of a coalition of Arab …

thanks to our control of the Strip and our right of veto over its rehabilitation. It will also allow military

CIS: Centre for Independent Studies · 2 July 2024 English

Responding to a pastoral query from a Christian military tribune about how to reconcile the Christian Gospel of love with the political need for the use of violent force to …

historical and cultural affiliation with Serbia, Russia — one of the permanent five members of the council — would have vetoed

RAND Corporation · 1 July 2024 English

On-demand gene synthesis is a growing industry that has democratized access to customized synthetic nucleic acid products used in biological research. But the increasing availability and decreasing cost of custom …

Although the bill was passed by the California State Assembly, it was vetoed by Governor Gavin Newsom, who wrote that “consideration

China Matters · 30 June 2024 English

The Monthly China Matters by M Simons 2024 The Monthly July 2024 Essays Red flags By Margaret Simons The undermining of a highly credible think tank dedicated to bettering Australia’s …

He was Finland’s ambassador to the United Nations and ran for UN secretary-general in 1971, but his candidacy was vetoed

CEIP: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace · 27 June 2024 English

Entrenched divisions in Bosnia and Herzegovina have hampered EU and U.S. efforts to build functional institutions and integrate the country into Western clubs. Dysfunctionality in turn provides fertile ground for …

peacekeeping mission. Moscow has not exercised its veto at the UN Securi� Council when EUFOR is up for renewal

CEIP: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace · 27 June 2024 English

As the United States continues to divert its energy to respond to China’s rise, the EU could start laying the foundations of a new security architecture on the European continent.

overcome blockages due to member states’ veto power. The issue of veto has been a constant disruptor in European There is also another innovative idea related to veto power being wielded by a group of countries instead

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