
Videotex (or interactive videotex) was one of the earliest implementations of an end-user information system. From the late 1970s to early 2010s, it was used to deliver information (usually pages of text) to a user in computer-like format, typically to be displayed on a television or a dumb terminal. In a strict definition, videotex is any system that provides interactive content and displays it on a video monitor such as a television, typically using modems to send data in both directions. A close relative is teletext, which sends data in one direction only, typically encoded in a television signal. All …



FIIA: The Finnish Institute of International Affairs · 2024 Finnish

Tämä ei kuitenkaan välttämättä tarkoita, että Videotex teknologiaan panostaminen olisi ollut ajantasaisen

DPC: Digital Preservation Coalition · 2 November 2023 English

A free-to-access and open resource for digital preservation advocacy, the DPC's Global Bit List of Endangered Digital Species (or Bit List for short) is a community-sourced list of at-risk digital …

................................. 24 Pre-WWW Videotex Data Services and Bulletin Board Services ... Digital Species: The Bit List 2023 26 Pre-WWW Videotex Data Services and Bulletin Board Services develop. Examples Prestel, Minitel, VidiTel and Videotex NL, Alex, BelTel, FidoNet ‘Critically Endangered’

INREA: National Institute for research in technical sciences for the environment and agriculture · 20 October 2023 French

 on voit souvent les termes de banque de données "ASCII" et "vidéotex" : les  premières sont composées de texte au 

IFS: Institute for Free Speech · 7 December 2022 English

The Institute and Professor Candeub file this brief to advise the Court on the scope of section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, 47 U. [...] It would also stunt …

........ 7 Andrew Pollack, Ruling May Not Aid Videotex, N.Y. Times, Sept. 15, 1987, https://www.nytimes 230(b)(3). 6 Andrew Pollack, Ruling May Not Aid Videotex, N.Y. Times, Sept. 15, 1987, at D1, https://www

IHEID: Geneva Graduate Institute · 2022 English

Hallam Stevens discusses Tele- view, a unique videotex system that operated in Singapore in the 1980s

DPC: Digital Preservation Coalition · 2022 English

................................ 146 Pre-WWW Videotex Data Services and Bulletin Board Services ...

IHEID: Geneva Graduate Institute · 2022 English

Hallam Stevens discusses Tele- view, a unique videotex system that operated in Singapore in the 1980s

IAI: Istituto Affari Internazionali · 12 October 2021 Italian

E ' il suo modo di pensare di di fatti e situazioni la, dialogare, percepire , sua capacità di stabilire- e sviluppare rapporti di relazione. [...] fatte le debite I …

infatti, sta per essere commercializzatosa, il videotex^- e presto il telespettatore diventerà "prosumatore"

MRG: Minority Rights Group International · 22 January 2021 Hungarian

Honlap: Tartalomjegyzék 3 4 Előszó 6 Vezetői összefoglaló és ajánlások 14 Tematikus fejezetek 15 A technológia veszélyei a kisebbségek és az őslakosok jogaira nézve 44 Kisebbségek és az őslakos …

segítségével, a egy telefonvonalakon elérhető videotex közösségükön kívül is jelnyelven szolgáltatás

MRG: Minority Rights Group International · 22 January 2021 Hungarian

Honlap: Tartalomjegyzék 3 4 Előszó 6 Vezetői összefoglaló és ajánlások 14 Tematikus fejezetek 15 A technológia veszélyei a kisebbségek és az őslakosok jogaira nézve 44 Kisebbségek és az őslakos …

segítségével, a egy telefonvonalakon elérhető videotex közösségükön kívül is jelnyelven szolgáltatás

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