
Videotex (or interactive videotex) was one of the earliest implementations of an end-user information system. From the late 1970s to early 2010s, it was used to deliver information (usually pages of text) to a user in computer-like format, typically to be displayed on a television or a dumb terminal. In a strict definition, videotex is any system that provides interactive content and displays it on a video monitor such as a television, typically using modems to send data in both directions. A close relative is teletext, which sends data in one direction only, typically encoded in a television signal. All …



FIIA: The Finnish Institute of International Affairs · 2024 Finnish

Tämä ei kuitenkaan välttämättä tarkoita, että Videotex teknologiaan panostaminen olisi ollut ajantasaisen

DPC: Digital Preservation Coalition · 2 November 2023 English

A free-to-access and open resource for digital preservation advocacy, the DPC's Global Bit List of Endangered Digital Species (or Bit List for short) is a community-sourced list of at-risk digital …

................................. 24 Pre-WWW Videotex Data Services and Bulletin Board Services ... Digital Species: The Bit List 2023 26 Pre-WWW Videotex Data Services and Bulletin Board Services develop. Examples Prestel, Minitel, VidiTel and Videotex NL, Alex, BelTel, FidoNet ‘Critically Endangered’

INREA: National Institute for research in technical sciences for the environment and agriculture · 20 October 2023 French

 on voit souvent les termes de banque de données "ASCII" et "vidéotex" : les  premières sont composées de texte au 

USTL: Université de Lille · 30 June 2023 French

The development and dissemination of statistical information is a major concern of the “Conseil national de la Résistance” to establish economic and social democracy. Through a historical sketch of the …

l’information statistique (Cnis) Création d’un vidéotex national grand public : 3615 Insee Logo de l’Insee initiative de l’OER d’Aquitaine, l’Insee crée un vidéotex national grand public : c’est la naissance du

IFS: Institute for Free Speech · 7 December 2022 English

The Institute and Professor Candeub file this brief to advise the Court on the scope of section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, 47 U. [...] It would also stunt …

........ 7 Andrew Pollack, Ruling May Not Aid Videotex, N.Y. Times, Sept. 15, 1987, https://www.nytimes 230(b)(3). 6 Andrew Pollack, Ruling May Not Aid Videotex, N.Y. Times, Sept. 15, 1987, at D1, https://www

HAL-SHS - Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société · 19 May 2022 French

During the 1960s and 1970s, the growing use of computers and databases changed corporate practices. Data brokering, consumer profiling and customer targeting became widespread, laying the groundwork for what has …

leurs propres réseaux puis viendront Télétex, Videotex, Transpac, et au-dessus de tout cela, Arpanet

HAL-SHS - Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société · 1 January 2022 French

La micro-informatique est un tournant dans l’histoire de l’informatique car elle en a permis la diffusion dans tous les secteurs d’activité, qu’ils soient professionnels ou familiaux. L’invention du micro-processeur a …

le G3 qui intégrait la norme internatio- nale vidéotex. C’est cette originalité que Perdrillat a défendue

IHEID: Geneva Graduate Institute · 2022 English

Hallam Stevens discusses Tele- view, a unique videotex system that operated in Singapore in the 1980s

DPC: Digital Preservation Coalition · 2022 English

................................ 146 Pre-WWW Videotex Data Services and Bulletin Board Services ...

IHEID: Geneva Graduate Institute · 2022 English

Hallam Stevens discusses Tele- view, a unique videotex system that operated in Singapore in the 1980s

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