
A webcast is a media presentation distributed over the Internet using streaming media technology to distribute a single content source to many simultaneous listeners/viewers. A webcast may either be distributed live or on demand. Essentially, webcasting is "broadcasting" over the Internet. The largest "webcasters" include existing radio and TV stations, who "simulcast" their output through online TV or online radio streaming, as well as a multitude of Internet only "stations". Webcasting usually consists of providing non-interactive linear streams or events. Rights and licensing bodies offer specific "webcasting licenses" to those wishing to carry out Internet broadcasting using copyrighted material.



UN: The United Nations · 27 September 2024 English

75 p. : tables

Secretary-General ensure the archiving of official meetings webcasts in all six official languages on the United Nations languages in the archiving of official meetings webcasts remains, and requests the Secretary-General to

NewClimate Institute for Climate Policy and Global Sustainability · 25 September 2024 English

It goes beyond taking stock of regenerative agriculture use, also investigating the significance of regenerative agriculture in major food and agriculture companies’ climate strategies and seeing if a common definition …


ACRL: Association of College and Research Libraries · 23 September 2024 English

ACRL MEDIA PLANNING GUIDE #ACRL2025 2025 Media Planning Guide The Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) is the higher education association for academic libraries and library workers. [...] Representing …

Social Media Followers 2K YouTube Subscribers Webcasts Professional Development Presentations Conference

Brattle Group · 12 September 2024 English

Subject Line

com | 7 of 9 https://www.theknowledgegroup.org/webcasts/demystifying-the-current-landscape-of-securities-litigation/ litigation/ https://www.theknowledgegroup.org/webcasts/demystifying-the-current-landscape-of-securities-litigation/

UN: The United Nations · 9 September 2024 English

14 p.

Secretary-General ensure the archiving of official meetings webcasts in all six official languages on the United Nations languages in the archiving of official meetings webcasts remains, and requests the Secretary-General to

NBER: National Bureau of Economic Research · 5 September 2024 English

We study the distribution of political speech across U.S. firms. We develop a measure of political engagement based on firms’ communications (earnings calls, regulatory filings, and social media), by training …

during which managers of publicly listed firms hold webcasts or teleconferences to discuss financial results in which managers of publicly listed firms hold webcasts or teleconferences to discuss financial results

CLTC: Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity · 29 August 2024 English

U C B E R K E L E Y C E N T E R F O R L O N G - T E R M C Y …

CIS Controls V8? SANS Institute Webcasts. https:// www.sans.org/webcasts/what-s-new-with-the-cis-controls-v8/ https://www.sans.org/webcasts/what-s-new-with-the-cis-controls-v8/ https://www.sans.org/webcasts/what-s-new-w (2023 Edition). SANS Institute Webcasts. https://www.sans.org/webcasts/cybersecurity-standards-scorecard-2023-edition/ org/10.6028/NIST.SP.800-53r5 https://www.sans.org/webcasts/cybersecurity-standards-scorecard-2023-edition/

UN: The United Nations · 28 August 2024 English

12 p.

languages in the archiving of official meetings webcasts by the Department of Global Communications;

NRGI: Natural Resource Governance Institute · 19 August 2024 English

In Nigeria, NRGI partnered with BudgIT Foundation, Spaces for Change and Extractive 360 to train 23 participants from civil society, media, and communities— including women and youth—on the need for …

in the debates in the region. The aim of these webcasts was to create a space for dialogue among experts

BDO Australia · 2 August 2024 English

This webcast covers the following with the purpose of helping to explain the interoperability between the SASB Standards and ESRS: ► The background to the publication of the Interoperability Guidance; …

SASB Standards, and may be accessed here. New webcasts from the IFRS Foundation on current and anticipated effects The IFRS Foundation has released two new webcasts with the purpose to explain the International financial performance and cash flows. In the webcasts, it is explained how, through the requirements lity-disclosure-standards/ifrs-s1-and-ifrs-s2/webcasts-current-and-anticipated-financial-effects/ https://www

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