Welsh Language

Welsh (Cymraeg [kəmˈraːɨɡ] (listen) or y Gymraeg [ə ɡəmˈraːɨɡ]) is a Brittonic language of the Celtic language family that is native to the Welsh people. Welsh is spoken natively in Wales, by some in England, and in Y Wladfa (the Welsh colony in Chubut Province, Argentina). Historically, it has also been known in English as "British", "Cambrian", "Cambric" and "Cymric".As of September 2020, around 29% of the population of Wales aged three or more reported being able to speak Welsh, and about 16% spoke Welsh daily.The Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 gave the Welsh language official status in Wales, making …



EU: European Union · 22 April 2024 English

The European Union aspires to be united in diversity. The defence, promotion and valuing of linguistic diversity plays a fundamental role in this quest. Languages are incredible tools with which …

users can affect real change. For example, the Welsh language Wikipedia has achieved gender parity in their

IDRIC: Industrial Decarbonisation Research and Innovation Centre · 9 April 2024

Grants from the SMART Capital Equipment Fund and the Circular Economy Fund for Business were given to support organisations to invest in innovation with the aim of improving people’s lives, …

new Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Energy & Welsh Language • Huw Irranca Davies MS as new Cabinet Secretary new Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Energy and Welsh Language.’ More info here. £5.9 million of Welsh Government

WWF: World Wide Fund for Nature (UK) · 21 March 2024 English

and cultural resources and promote public access to and engagement with them and sustain the Welsh language and promote and facilitate its use (Welsh government, 2023). [...] Estimates of total increased

to and engagement with them and sustain the Welsh language and promote and facilitate its use (Welsh government

ITC: Independent Transport Commission · 29 February 2024 English

March 2024 The longer-term impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on Transport and Land Use in Britain Sarah Kendall, Matthew Niblett and Jana El Hajj March 2024 The longer-term impacts of …

Welsh-speaking areas which leads to the decline of the Welsh language.68 The Welsh government, as of 1 April 2023

Christian Aid · 27 February 2024 Welsh

Mae adar yn gallu nythu a chysgodi yn ei ganghennau!” Sut i ddefnyddio’r pecyn hwn Os ydych chi eisoes wedi gwneud defnydd o’r pecynnau cwrs eraill o’r gyfres Taclo Tlodi, …

Week 6 - Together - Welsh Language Gyda’n gilydd Gofyn Ymlaen Llaw: cwestiwn i’w ystyried cyn y sesiwn

Christian Aid · 23 February 2024 Welsh

Roedd criw mawr o'r rhai oedd yn Ffoaduriaid) casglu trethi i Rufain yn y parti hefyd, a phobl eraill roedd y Phariseaid yn eu hystyried yn ‛bechaduriaid‛. [...] Mae gan …

Week 4 - Located - Welsh Language Lleolwyd Gofyn Ymlaen Llaw: cwestiwn i’w ystyried cyn y sesiwn hon

Christian Aid · 23 February 2024 Welsh

(Ffynhonnell: Mind, 2021) Mae wedi fy anfon i gyhoeddi fod y rhai sy'n gaeth i gael rhyddid, a phobl sy'n ddall i gael eu golwg yn ôl, Mae 67% o …

Week 5 - Gobeithiol - Welsh Language Gobeithiol Gofyn Ymlaen Llaw: cwestiwn i’w ystyried cyn y sesiwn

Christian Aid · 19 February 2024 Welsh

‘Gofala amdano,’ meddai wrtho, ‘Ac os bydd costau ychwanegol, gwna i dalu i ti y tro nesa bydda i'n mynd heibio.’ “Felly” 39% Yn medru fforddio meddai Iesu, “yn dy …

Week 2 - Broken - Welsh Language Toredig Gofyn Ymlaen Llaw: cwestiwn i’w ystyried cyn y sesiwn hon Pwy

Christian Aid · 19 February 2024 Welsh

costau byw? Mae corff sylweddol a Yn 2024, mae llawer o bobl yn y DU ac mewn gwledyddd eraill chadarn o ymchwil sy’n ledled y byd yn ceisio ymgodymu ag …

Week 3 - Generous - Welsh Language Hael Gofyn Ymlaen Llaw: cwestwin i’w ystyried cyn y sesiwn hon A fedrwch

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