Works Councils

A works council is a shop-floor organization representing workers that functions as a local/firm-level complement to trade unions but is independent of these at least in some countries. Works councils exist with different names in a variety of related forms in a number of European countries, including Britain (joint consultative committee or employees’ council); Germany and Austria (Betriebsrat); Luxembourg (comité mixte, délégation du personnel); the Netherlands (Dienstcommissie, Ondernemingsraad) and Flanders in Belgium (ondernemingsraad); Italy (comitato aziendale); France (comité social et économique); Wallonia in Belgium (conseil d'entreprise), Spain (comité de empresa) and Denmark (Samarbejdsudvalg or SU). One of the most commonly …



EPRS: European Parliamentary Research Service · 15 October 2024 English

Roxana Mînzatu became a Member of the European Parliament in July 2024. She belongs to the Social Democratic Party in Romania, which is affiliated with the Socialists and Democrats Group …

multinational firms, for a revision of the European Works Councils Directive, to ensure that EU employees of large put forward a revised directive on European Works Councils in January 2024. The work on the file having

EFFAT: European Federation of Trade Unions in the Food, Agriculture and Tourism · 11 October 2024 English

Trade union action and a specific legislation protecting workers in the slaughtering sector – the German example With the unfolding of the COVID19 pandemic, the numerous infections among workers in …

change massively strengthens the position of the works councils, as they can now represent the interests of

Social Europe · 17 September 2024 English

So, if you wish to ponder about European sovereignty and/or break through the united front of EU and EU member states with regard to sovereignty – understood as legislative capability …

policy change in the employment field: European Works Councils (EWC). At first sight the UK implementing legislation

ETUI: European Trade Union Institute · 9 September 2024 English

App-based food delivery platforms risk hubris in their high-flying promises on business performance. As loss-making platforms, they can still count on (venture) capital investors keeping them alive, but the question …

command and control level in structures like works councils or co-determination, which could theoretically management in the home country. In addition, works councils are already present in some DH subsidiaries in Germany where, not without difficulties, works councils have been set up since 2017 (Maccarrone et

ETUI: European Trade Union Institute · 9 September 2024 English

Confidentiality is a cornerstone workplace issue, involving the protection of sensitive company and employee matters, and of individual workers’ and collective rights to information and consultation (I&C), board-level representation, health …

leading to poor or a lack of information for works councils. Others have also pointed to excessive use Member States and the United Kingdom Country Works councils EWCs, SEWCs and SCEWCs BLER H&S Union represent- or powers. Neither Finland nor Sweden have works councils in their national structures. BLER is similarly o-little-too-late-evaluating-the- european-works-councils-recast-directive#:~:text=The%20results%20show%20 Jagodziński R. and Waddington J. (2022) European Works Councils: contested and still in the making, ETUI.

EU: European Union · 4 September 2024 English

This section provides an overview of Eurofound including its background, mission, and operational, specific and general objectives for the period 2017-2022.

Industrial action monitor Report 2021 European Works Councils Report 2020- 2021 3. Employment and labour

UN: The United Nations · 30 August 2024 English

17 p.

regulating the establishment and operation of works councils and staff delegates in companies and workplaces

EU: European Union · 22 August 2024 English

The extent of interaction between workers and robots is expected to increase in modern workplaces due to rapid advancements in robotic technologies. Advanced robotics often leverages progress in artificial intelligence, …

line managers and worker representatives (works councils or trade unions), and focus groups with employees

EU: European Union · 20 August 2024 English

The German legal system is a federal constitutional system. The centre of legal thought and practice is the parliamentary statute, but the legislator is bound by the Federal or State …

the General Equal Treatment Act allows the works councils, or a trade union represented in the enterprise

EU: European Union · 9 August 2024 English

the establishment and functioning of European Works Councils and the effective enforcement of transnational minimum standards for setting up European Works Councils (EWCs) and ensuring their effective operation to minimum standards for setting up European Works Councils (EWCs), and ensuring their effective operation recommendations to the Commission on Revision of European Works Councils Directive (2019/2183(INL)) (OJ C 267, 28.7 Parliament would seriously overcomplicate European Works Councils’ (EWC) functioning and run the risk of turning

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