cover image: Some Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Women Lose More Than $1 Million Over a Lifetime to the


Some Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Women Lose More Than $1 Million Over a Lifetime to the

26 Mar 2024

When comparing the median earnings of all AANHPI women who worked in 2022 with the median earnings of all white, non-Hispanic men who worked, regardless of how many hours or weeks they worked, AANHPI women were typically paid only 80 cents for every dollar paid to white, non-Hispanic men.5 Similarly, among all workers, AANHPI women were typically paid just 72 cents for every dollar paid to AANHPI. [...] Bhutanese women stand to lose over $1.4 million compared to white, non-Hispanic men, Burmese women stand to lose over $1.2 million, Nepalese women over $1.1 million, and Hmong, Cambodian, and Laotian women over $1 million dollars because of the wage gap over the course of their careers.9 Losses due to the wage gap add up to AANHPI women not only having less money in their pocket right now but also. [...] For example, among full-time year-round workers, while Chinese women are paid $1.08 for every dollar paid to white, non-Hispanic men, they are paid just 83 cents for every dollar paid to Chinese men and while Indian women are paid $1.26 for every dollar paid to white, non-Hispanic men, they are paid just 76 cents for every dollar paid to Indian men.10 When comparing the median earnings of all AANH. [...] However, among all workers with earnings, Indian women are paid just 61 cents for every dollar paid to Indian men and Taiwanese women are paid just 69 cents for every dollar paid to Taiwanese men. [...] Additionally, while Chinese and Malaysian women working full time, year-round are paid less than their white, non-Hispanic male counterparts, among all workers, these groups of women are paid more than white, non-Hispanic men.11 What all working AANHPI women (including part-time and part-year workers) are paid for every dollar paid to White, Non-Hispanic men (2018 - 2022) Bangladeshi $0.49 Bhutane.
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United States of America