cover image: Model Legislative Language for "Community Mental Wellness and Resilience Act" (10-10-22


Model Legislative Language for "Community Mental Wellness and Resilience Act" (10-10-22

24 Aug 2023

STATEMENT OF FINDINGS The ___________ (name of na1onal/state/provincial/city government) finds the following: • Mental health and psychosocial problems are a significant and rising problem in __________ (name of place); • Even before the Covid-19 pandemic a majority of the people needing mental health assistance were unable to receive it, and today due to increased demand only about a quarter of t. [...] “(c) Applica1on.—To be eligible to receive a grant under this sec1on, an en1ty shall submit an applica1on to the __________ (name of managing department of agency) at such 1me, in such manner, and containing such informa1on as the __________ (name of managing department of agency) may require, including informa1on describing how the resilience coordina1ng body funded under the grant will; “(1) dev. [...] “(e) Fossil Fuel Free and Ecologically Regenera1ve Implementa1on.— Included in the plan of the resilience coordina1ng body will be a strategy to provide their educa1on, training, and other ac1vi1es in ways that con1nually reduce and eventually eliminate the use of fossil fuels and release of greenhouse gasses and regenerate ecological systems and biodiversity. [...] “(i) Reports From Grant Recipients.—A local en1ty that receives a grant under this sec1on shall submit a report to the ________ (name of agency or department) no later than 1 year a^er the date of receipt of the funds containing informa1on of how the grant funds were used, ac1vi1es implemented during the year, evalua1on of results, and any other informa1on as requested by the Secretary. [...] “(j) Annual Report to _________ (name of body enac1ng the policy).—No later than 2 years a^er the first grant is awarded under this sec1on, and annually therea^er, the _______) name or agency or department) shall submit to the ________ (name of commipee or execu1ve department), and make available to the public, a report on ac1vi1es and results under this sec1on.
Published in
United States of America