Review of Rural Affairs - Five papers historically, conceptually, and empirically


Review of Rural Affairs - Five papers historically, conceptually, and empirically

27 Oct 2023

And if it did not do so Nonetheless, by following this refrain right from the 1950s, earlier, there was no reason to expect the Court to adopt a dif- the courts made sure that the power to change the laws govern- ferent position in this case where the scale of the likely disrup- ing the family remained the exclusive prerogative of the state. [...] The position taken here is with the educated class of non-Brahmans Finally, the Maharashtrian class structure to- to the contrary: that the non-Brahman move- and some merchants, provided the basis of day appears to present a clear case of domi- ment as a whole was a mass movement, that support for the non-Brahman political party nance of a consolidated rich peasant class in it failed in terms of i. [...] That is, about three-quarters of the world’s The inclusion of the African One of the hallmarks of India’s poor live in Africa and India together Union under India’s G20 Group of Twenty (G20) presi- (Aguilar et al 2022).presidency has brought the dency is the inclusion of the Achieving the Sustainable Develop- African Union as a permanent member ment Goal (SDG) 2 of zero hunger and challenges of th. [...] As established in the Shreya der any of the eight categories specifi cally Under the new rules, the government Singhal case, restrictions on the right to enumerated under Article 19(2) of the acts as both the judge and the prosecutor freedom of speech and expression are Constitution, rendering them void from when it comes to content related to its deemed unconstitutional if they are too the beginn. [...] courts to act as impartial judges in dis- choose to self-censor even lawful speech, The fourth prong of the test requires putes, including those involving the state resulting in over-regulation and the sti- striking a balance between the impor- and its citizens, and to determine the facts fl ing of free expression.



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