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29 Nov 2023

However, there continues to exist a mismatch between the mass and dimensions of heavy vehicles seeking to access the “first and last mile” road networks managed by councils and the capacity for those road networks to freely support their movement. [...] ALGA’s response to the C-RIS focuses on the proposals regarding access (Q15 to Q24), which is the area of most concern to council road managers. [...] Recommendation 1: If either Option 4a or 4b is to be adopted it is important that provision of additional road funding to local government to offset the impact of the changes on the local roads is allocated to local government accordingly. [...] Could reforms that make it easier for operators to operate at CML without the need for accreditation lead to any adverse outcomes to road safety or road infrastructure? ALGA understands that the current process for an operator to be permitted to run heavy vehicles at CML requires that they become a member of the National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme (NHVAS) and meet eight special standards o. [...] Recommendation 7: If heavy vehicles of 20m in length is to be progressed for general access, a thorough assessment of the suitability of vehicles moving across the road network, including the local road network needs to be undertaken.


Monica Telesny

Published in