cover image: Tony Abbott’s remarks at the Quadrant Dinner at the Windsor Hotel on Monday, November 13, 2023 There is absolutely no doubt that the person who got the ball rolling and who kept the


Tony Abbott’s remarks at the Quadrant Dinner at the Windsor Hotel on Monday, November 13, 2023 There is absolutely no doubt that the person who got the ball rolling and who kept the

6 Dec 2023

abbott remarks at Quadrant dinner Tony Abbott’s remarks at the Quadrant Dinner at the Windsor Hotel on Monday, November 13, 2023 There is absolutely no doubt that the person who got the ball rolling and who kept the ball rolling so well with a succession of very well argued articles and oped pieces was Gary Johns. [...] But I’ve got to say that our own editor in chief, Keith Windschuttle, was also at the heart of the victory because you cannot win a public debate without the intellectual mastery of the issues. [...] Sixty per cent of the Australian public in defiance of overwhelming opinion of what might loosely be described as our elites: big business, big tech, big sport, and most of the media, were vociferously in favour of a yes vote, but showing commendable independence a very large majority of the Australian people voted no. [...] 1 The overwhelming mindset of the people who voted no was that they wanted security: they wanted cultural security, they wanted economic security; they didn’t want to have the country that they loved constantly rubbished, and they didn’t want so much that was precious to them routinely overturned. [...] And that will be, in my opinion, culturally cautious and conservative, and economically sensible; but not necessarily in the pockets of the econocrats and big business which has shown that it almost completely lacks conscience and character over the last few years.


Katharine Betts

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