cover image: MP CP 2.1. ICZM Progress meeting Report_F


MP CP 2.1. ICZM Progress meeting Report_F

11 Jul 2023

Agenda item 3: Presentation of the results of the Comparative analysis of coastal laws for Lebanon Ms Yazbeck Keszi presented the results of the analysis of the coastal laws in Lebanon, in the framework of the comparative analysis of the 5 countries (Lebanon, France, Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia), which was still in the draft format. [...] She presented the priority recommendations for the strengthening and improvement of national laws and regulations for better implementation of the ICZM protocol; such as: the necessity to strengthen the implementation of the EIA decree number 8633/2012 and the SEA decree number 8213/2012; to improve coordination mechanisms between the concerned ministries to ensure better implementation of environ. [...] Termos presented the analysis of the land cover change in the Lebanese coastal zone using the PAP/RAC upgraded methodology for IMAP indicator 25 as well as the analysis of the period of 2015-2020. [...] Nader presented the state of ICZM in Lebanon by pointing out that the coastal zone represents 8% of the total area of the country and it hosts up to about 33% of the total built-up area; 55 % of the total population and more than 70% of the industrial zones. [...] He presented the process of preparation of the draft ICZM Strategy and of the draft ICZM law, as well as the key drivers for the ICZM in Lebanon.



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