cover image: REPORT — WINTER 2023 - Working Group on women’s economic empowerment

REPORT — WINTER 2023 - Working Group on women’s economic empowerment

6 Dec 2023

the future of work lies in the hands of STEM professionals.” • The digital private sector in the region should establish online market platforms Kaća Đuričković, Gender for women to be able to sell their products and should help train women to Programme Manager at the UNDP Office in Montenegro use the existing online markets in cooperation with civil society organisations on the ground. [...] A region-wide approach Albania and Serbia are trying a new approach to increase the implementation of women’s property rights by removing the burden for women, who do not necessarily have information on the legal framework, and giving the implementation responsibilities to notaries and cadaster offices, which have a legal obligation to register properties under the name of both the husband and wif. [...] Whilst women represent 50% of most populations, their share of public expenditure and access to services and opportunities is unequal to that of men and certainly not reflective of their needs, share of the tax burden and the responsibilities they carry in homes, places, communities and society more widely. [...] It is a policymaking tool that can promote gender equality and equal opportunities for women across the Ensuring the sustainability of funding Western Balkans via gender mainstreaming The unsustainable nature of certain funding in the planning, drafting and implementation leads to failure in tackling many of the structural phases of budgeting at both the local and obstacles that women face. [...] • The capacity-building of local and national policymakers, administrative staff and staff of judiciary institutions who are responsible for the implementation and enforcement of GRB is essential to ensure effective understanding and application of the method.
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