cover image: Global Inventory of National and Regional Qualications Frameworks 2022 Volume II


Global Inventory of National and Regional Qualications Frameworks 2022 Volume II

22 Sep 2023

qualifications In June 2019, the Council of Ministers adopted NQF scope and structure a bylaw on the inclusion of lifelong learning Inspired by the EQF, the AQF consists of eight qualifications in the AQF; this stipulates criteria and levels, whose descriptors are written in learning procedures to place such qualifications on the AQF outcomes organised in the three domains of levels. [...] appointment of special bodies and establishment instruction of the Minister of Finance and Economy of procedures for the validation of qualifications, to the procedures for recognition of qualifications at assessments of knowledge, skills and levels 2 to 5 was adopted in 2018. [...] of VET qualifications, licensing of educational institutions and VET programmes, and development Higher education qualifications are awarded by of the lists of VET and higher education specialities the higher education institutions accredited by the and qualifications. [...] development15 and updating of VET standards and curricula; supports the introduction of a credit Use of learning outcomes and standards accumulation and transfer system in VET; ensures The state VET standard defines general communication between the VET system and the characteristics of the qualification (NQF level, modes labour market. [...] the name of the higher education level and the name of the field of study according to the list of specialities and qualifications of higher professional NQF implementation and impact education21.
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