University Autonomy in Europe IV - Country Profiles (II) - Flanders (Belgium) - Czechia - Estonia - Georgia - Italy - Latvia -


University Autonomy in Europe IV - Country Profiles (II) - Flanders (Belgium) - Czechia - Estonia - Georgia - Italy - Latvia -

15 Dec 2023

All five universities must adhere to the provisions of the decree on higher education (Codex Hoger Onderwijs), and each of them has a commissioner of the government sitting on the board to represent the public authorities to ensure compliance with the regulatory framework. [...] It may delegate some of these competences to the internal evaluation board, such as the approval of degree programmes and of the plan for submission of the accreditation request to the national accreditation authority. [...] The title of ‘professor’ is awarded by the Czech president, on the proposal of the minister of education (and the approval of the university’s scientific board). [...] While the University of Tartu and Tallinn University of Technology made the decision to restructure their governing bodies earlier on, prioritising an external perspective on strategic dimensions and financial planning, the transformation of the governance model of the other universities was encouraged by the public authorities through the regulatory framework renewal. [...] The Higher Education Act stipulates that the language of instruction of the study programmes of the first and second level of higher education is Estonian.
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