cover image: Primer - What  is s trategic  advantage? - By G abriel E lefteriu,  William  Freer  and  James  Rogers


Primer - What is s trategic advantage? - By G abriel E lefteriu, William Freer and James Rogers

22 Nov 2023

8 Here, an ambiguous statement slips into the IRR when i t describes the g eneration o f s trategic advantage not o nly as a stand a lone pillar of the strategic framework, but a lso as ‘ the underpinning for the other pillars of the strategic framework’. [...] In the realm of n ational s trategy, the ends are formulated i n very g eneral t erms (for the UK defined i n the I ntegrated Review a nd I RR a s ‘sovereignty, s ecurity a nd p rosperity’); the ways represent strategy per se; and the means correspond to allocated national strengths ( such as the diplomatic s ervice, i ntelligence agencies, and the armed f orces, as well as the funding w hich s us. [...] GSPP01 November 2023 (leading to the aid i n accordance with t he d evelopment of the tank) national interest Multipliers S igning o f the U KUSA Initiation of Operation Closer coordination w ith Agreement in 1 946 I nteflex t o draw i n allies a llies ( especially t hrough ( formalising the ‘ Five and partners t o i ncrease the T rilateral I nitiative Eyes’) to combine the capacity to t rain w it. [...] I ndeed, a s it i s not a d irect f unction of broad-based strength in d ierent domains, s trategic a dvantage is i mpossible to generate if specific c atalysts ( including o perational ability) a nd the national s trategy or s trategic approach are m isaligned. [...] Simultaneously, A UKUS multiplies B ritish eorts by drawing in Australia a nd the US to reduce costs; extends British and A merican n aval power through a new o perating hub – F leet Base West in Perth – for R oyal Navy ( and U S Navy) submarines; and a mplifies the overall naval p ower a t Britain’s disposal (as it does also for A ustralia and the US).
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