2022-2023 OCUFA Status of Women and Equity Award  - Citation for Sobia Iqbal


2022-2023 OCUFA Status of Women and Equity Award - Citation for Sobia Iqbal

9 Nov 2023

She teaches at the Waterloo and Brantford campuses of the university, both of which are located on the traditional lands of the Neutral, Anishinaabe, and Haudenosaunee peoples and subject to the Dish With One Spoon treaty. [...] Further, Sobia facilitated a connection between the Indigenous Curriculum Specialist at Laurier and a textbook publishing house to enable the publication of the first Canadian biology textbook to incorporate Indigenous ways of knowing and being. [...] Along with other contract teaching faculty, Sobia formed a Community of Practice to engage in experiential learning, self-reflection, and innovation to assess the ongoing impacts of their commitment to their own transformative learning and that of their students. [...] Another initiative linking research and the practice of teaching, for which Sobia is the Project Manager, is a study on Instructor Capacity for Equity and Belonging in the Classroom that aims to identify practices that align equity, decolonization, and culturally responsive teaching. [...] As a member of 2 the bargaining committee for CTF, Sobia brought strong attention to embedding equity in contract language and was instrumental in a range of initiatives, including the creation of a $20,000/year EDI-I fund to support EDI and Indigenous teaching and professional development.


Manisha Aggarwal-Schifellite

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