cover image: Guaranteed Income: Increasing Employment and Helping Families Thrive


Guaranteed Income: Increasing Employment and Helping Families Thrive

18 Dec 2023

The ERWG administered the survey two additional times: the survey was given to the 50 participants who received the 6-month extension and to 50 participants who did not (but still participated in the initial yearlong GI program). [...] Qualitative Interviews Beginning in the fall of 2022, the research team trained and supervised 10 peer-to-peer interviewers among members of the immigrant-based organizations within the ERWG and randomly selected participants of the GI program. [...] The results of that survey were compared to the results of the pre-pilot survey of participants of the New Mexico Guaranteed Income Pilot Project for Immigrant Families, which occurred from April 16 through April 31, 2022. [...] The overarching goal of the pre-pilot survey was to assess the well-being of immigrant families in New Mexico who were excluded from federal assistance programs during the COVID-19 global pandemic and to have data to compare to the post-pilot survey. [...] The results investigating the impact of the GI program add to the literature of evidence on the importance of cash-assistance in helping families overcome economic hardship and achieve financial stability: our participants not only reported higher rates of employment, but they also reported significant improvements in housing stability, food security and child well-being.
Published in
United States of America